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Alphabetical [« »] dedicating 2 dedication 43 deduction 1 deed 73 deeded 1 deeds 304 deem 1 | Frequency [« »] 74 writing 73 attacked 73 change 73 deed 73 eating 73 evidence 73 flood | New American Bible 2002 11 11 IntraText - Concordances deed |
bold = Main text Part, Book Chapter:Verse grey = Comment text
1 Pent, Lev 20: 12 | have committed an abhorrent deed, they have forfeited their 2 Pent, Lev 20: 13 | death for their abominable deed; they have forfeited their 3 Pent, Lev 20: 17 | people for this shameful deed; the man shall pay the penalty 4 Pent, Num 30: 3(1) | doing of some positive good deed, in particular the offering 5 Pent, Deu 17: 5 | woman) who has done the evil deed out to your city gates and 6 Pent, Deu 21: 7 | our eyes did not see the deed. ~ 7 Pent, Deu 22: 28 | relations with her, and their deed is discovered, ~ 8 Pent, Deu 24: 13 | you, and it will be a good deed of yours before the LORD, 9 His, 2Sam 3: 39 | accordance with his evil deed." ~ ~ ~ 10 His, 2Sam 7: 23 | by doing this magnificent deed, and by doing awe-inspiring 11 His, 2Sam 12: 12 | 12 ~You have done this deed in secret, but I will bring 12 His, 2Sam 12: 14 | spurned the LORD by this deed, the child born to you must 13 His, 2Sam 13: 12 | not commit this insensate deed. ~ 14 His, 2Kin 8: 13(2) | important: literally "a great deed" for a patriotic Syrian.~ 15 His, 2Chr 34: 25 | gods, provoking me by every deed that they have performed, 16 His, Tob 5: 3(1) | Ages, notably in England, a deed and its duplicate were written 17 His, Jdt 13: 19 | 19 ~Your deed of hope will never be forgotten 18 His, 2Mac 12: 5 | Judas heard of the barbarous deed perpetrated against his 19 His, 2Mac 12: 42 | they prayed that the sinful deed might be fully blotted out. 20 His, 2Mac 13: 15(5) | literally "stabbed"; the deed was done by Eleazar (1 Macc 21 WisdB, Psa 40: 10 | 10 ~I announced your deed to a great assembly; I did 22 WisdB, Psa 40: 11 | 11 ~Your deed I did not hide within my 23 WisdB, Psa 64: 10 | fear and proclaim God's deed, pondering what has been 24 WisdB, Psa 74: 1(1) | move God to reenact that deed of creation now. Will God 25 WisdB, Psa 106: 31 | counted for him as a righteous deed for all generations to come. ~ 26 WisdB, Pro 19: 17 | will repay him for his good deed. ~ 27 WisdB, Ecc 9: 13 | other hand I saw this wise deed under the sun, which I thought 28 WisdB, Wisd 14: 9 | the evildoer and his evil deed; ~ 29 WisdB, Sir 3: 8 | 8 ~In word and deed honor your father that his 30 WisdB, Sir 12: 6 | will meet for every good deed you do for him. ~ 31 WisdB, Sir 15: 19 | understands man's every deed. ~ 32 WisdB, Sir 20: 3(2) | of sin or compel a good deed without eliminating the 33 WisdB, Sir 37: 16 | word is the source of every deed; a thought, of every act. ~ 34 WisdB, Sir 47: 8 | 8 ~With his every deed he offered thanks to God 35 ProphB, Isa 28: 21 | singular work, to perform his deed, his strange deed. ~ 36 ProphB, Isa 28: 21 | perform his deed, his strange deed. ~ 37 ProphB, Jer 32: 10 | had written and sealed the deed, called witnesses and weighed 38 ProphB, Jer 32: 11 | 11 ~5 I accepted the deed of purchase, both the sealed 39 ProphB, Jer 32: 11(5) | the open one: the legal deed of sale was written on a 40 ProphB, Jer 32: 12 | 12 ~This deed of purchase I gave to Baruch, 41 ProphB, Jer 32: 12 | witnesses who had signed the deed, and before all the men 42 ProphB, Jer 32: 14 | the sealed and the open deed of purchase, and put them 43 ProphB, Jer 32: 16 | 16 ~After giving the deed of purchase to Baruch, son 44 ProphB, Jer 32: 19 | great in counsel, mighty in deed, whose eyes are open to 45 ProphB, Jer 40: 3 | he has brought about in deed what he threatened; because 46 ProphB, Jer 44: 4 | to commit this horrible deed which I hate, ~ 47 ProphB, Jer 48: 30 | liar in boast, liar in deed. ~ 48 ProphB, Dan 13: 63 | innocent of any shameful deed. ~ 49 ProphB, Joe 4: 4 | speedily, I will return your deed upon your own head. ~ 50 ProphB, Joe 4: 7 | and I will return your deed upon your own head. ~ 51 ProphB, Oba 0: 15 | it be done to you, your deed shall come back upon your 52 Gosp, Mat 5: 22(18)| it. They, as well as the deed, are all forbidden. Raqa: 53 Gosp, Mat 8: 1(1) | 5-7 and "Messiah of the Deed" in Matthew 8-9. That is 54 Gosp, Mat 13: 54(28)| able to perform any mighty deed there" (Matthew 6:5), and 55 Gosp, Mat 26: 24(12)| born: the enormity of the deed is such that it would be 56 Gosp, Mar 6: 5 | able to perform any mighty deed there, 5 apart from curing 57 Gosp, Mar 6: 5(5) | able to perform any mighty deed there: according to Mark, 58 Gosp, Mar 9: 39 | one who performs a mighty deed in my name who can at the 59 Gosp, Mar 14: 3(2) | of the remembrance of her deed in the worldwide preaching 60 Gosp, Luk 6: 1(1) | conduct and his own charitable deed, Jesus argues that satisfying 61 Gosp, Luk 9: 43 | all amazed at his every deed, he said to his disciples, ~ 62 Gosp, Luk 22: 23 | among them would do such a deed. ~ 63 Gosp, Luk 24: 19 | was a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and 64 Gosp, Act 4: 9 | examined today about a good deed done to a cripple, namely, 65 Gosp, Act 5: 4 | Why did you contrive this deed? You have lied not to human 66 NTLet, Rom 15: 18 | to obedience by word and deed, ~ 67 NTLet, 1Cor 5: 2 | sorrowful? The one who did this deed should be expelled from 68 NTLet, 1Cor 5: 3 | one who has committed this deed, ~ 69 NTLet, Col 3: 17 | whatever you do, in word or in deed, do everything in the name 70 NTLet, 2The 2: 9 | of Satan in every mighty deed and in signs and wonders 71 NTLet, 2The 2: 17 | strengthen them in every good deed and word. ~ ~ ~ 72 NTLet, Tit 1: 16 | unqualified for any good deed. ~ ~ ~ 73 CathL, 1Joh 3: 18 | in word or speech but in deed and truth. ~