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Alphabetical [« »] respects 11 respite 4 resplendent 7 respond 22 responded 10 responding 5 responds 12 | Frequency [« »] 22 rabbi 22 regulations 22 repaired 22 respond 22 rests 22 roll 22 ropes | New American Bible 2002 11 11 IntraText - Concordances respond |
bold = Main text Part, Book Chapter:Verse grey = Comment text
1 Pent, Jud 20: 12(3) | crime. Since they failed to respond, special messengers were 2 His, 1Sam 14: 41 | Jonathan, LORD, God of Israel, respond with Urim; but if this guilt 3 His, 1Sam 14: 41 | is in your people Israel, respond with Thummim." Jonathan 4 WisdB, Job 5: 1 | 1 ~Call now! Will anyone respond to you? To which of the 5 WisdB, Job 13: 22 | Then call me, and I will respond; or let me speak first, 6 WisdB, Psa 78: 1(1) | past generations did not respond to God's gracious deeds 7 ProphB, Isa 65: 1 | 1 ~I was ready to respond to those who asked me not, 8 ProphB, Hos 2: 14 | door of hope. She shall respond there as in the days of 9 ProphB, Hos 2: 20 | 20 ~On that day I will respond, says the LORD; I will respond 10 ProphB, Hos 2: 20 | respond, says the LORD; I will respond to the heavens, and they 11 ProphB, Hos 2: 20 | heavens, and they shall respond to the earth; ~ 12 ProphB, Hos 2: 21 | 21 ~The earth shall respond to the grain, and wine, 13 ProphB, Hos 2: 21 | and oil, and these shall respond to Jezreel. ~ 14 Gosp, Mat 13: 18(8) | Matthew 13:22); (4) those who respond to the word and produce 15 Gosp, Mat 19: 30(20)| meaning is that all who respond to the call of Jesus, at 16 Gosp, Luk Int | 34; 14:25-35). To all who respond in faith and repentance 17 Gosp, Luk 20: 41(10)| question. Their inability to respond implies that they have forfeited 18 Gosp, Luk 22: 68 | I question, you will not respond. ~ 19 NTLet, Rom 9: 30(10)| proclamation of the gospel they respond in faith.~ 20 NTLet, 1Cor 4: 13 | 13 ~when slandered, we respond gently. We have become like 21 NTLet, 2Cor 2: 12(3) | how the Corinthians would respond to his letter. Since 2 Cor 22 NTLet, Col 4: 6 | you know how you should respond to each one. ~