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Alphabetical [« »] written 324 wrong 82 wrongdoer 2 wrongdoing 20 wronged 11 wrongly 3 wrongs 5 | Frequency [« »] 20 wither 20 withstand 20 witnessed 20 wrongdoing 19 75 19 abroad 19 adar | New American Bible 2002 11 11 IntraText - Concordances wrongdoing |
bold = Main text Part, Book Chapter:Verse grey = Comment text
1 Pent, Gen 50: 17 | to forgive the criminal wrongdoing of your brothers, who treated 2 Pent, Num 22: 22(3)| who loved the wages of wrongdoing" (2 Peter 2:15); "and have 3 His, 1Chr 21: 1(1)| spirit who tempts men to wrongdoing. ~ 4 His, Tob 4: 5 | do not tread the paths of wrongdoing. ~ 5 His, 1Mac 1: 15 | Gentiles and sold themselves to wrongdoing. ~ 6 WisdB, Job Int | punishment for personal wrongdoing and an invitation from God 7 WisdB, Psa 45: 8 | You love justice and hate wrongdoing; therefore God, your God, 8 WisdB, Pro 9: 17(3)| 17] The secrecy implies wrongdoing.~ 9 WisdB, Pro 16: 12 | Kings have a horror of wrongdoing, for by righteousness the 10 WisdB, Sir 18: 27 | rife he keeps himself from wrongdoing. ~ 11 WisdB, Sir 20: 3(2)| internal sin or desire of wrongdoing. Cf Sirach 20:20.~ 12 ProphB, Dan 6: 5 | they could accuse him of no wrongdoing; because he was trustworthy, 13 Gosp, Luk Int | declaring Jesus innocent of any wrongdoing three times (Luke 23:4, 14 Gosp, Luk 23: 1(1)| declares Jesus innocent of any wrongdoing (Luke 23:4, 14, 22). This 15 NTLet, 1Cor 13: 6 | it does not rejoice over wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth. ~ 16 NTLet, 2The 2: 12 | truth but have approved wrongdoing may be condemned. ~ 17 CathL, 2Pet 2: 13 | suffering wrong 8 as payment for wrongdoing. Thinking daytime revelry 18 CathL, 2Pet 2: 15 | who loved payment for wrongdoing, ~ 19 CathL, 1Joh 1: 9 | and cleanse us from every wrongdoing. ~ 20 CathL, 1Joh 5: 17 | 17 ~All wrongdoing is sin, but there is sin