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Alphabetical [« »] blotches 3 blotted 8 blow 46 blowing 19 blown 5 blows 30 blue 2 | Frequency [« »] 19 attributes 19 begotten 19 betrayed 19 blowing 19 boil 19 ca 19 certainty | New American Bible 2002 11 11 IntraText - Concordances blowing |
bold = Main text Part, Book Chapter:Verse grey = Comment text
1 Pent, Exo 10: 13 | the LORD sent an east wind blowing over the land all that day 2 Pent, Jos 6: 8 | s horns before the LORD blowing their horns, and the ark 3 Pent, Jos 6: 9 | followed the ark, and the blowing of horns was kept up continually 4 Pent, Jos 6: 13 | of the ark of the LORD, blowing their horns. Ahead of these 5 Pent, Jos 6: 13 | ark of the LORD, and the blowing of horns was kept up continually. ~ 6 Pent, Jos 6: 20(2)| intervention of God. The blowing of the horns and the shouting 7 Pent, Jud 7: 20 | right the horns they were blowing, and cried out, "A sword 8 Pent, Jud 7: 22 | the three hundred men kept blowing the horns, and throughout 9 His, 2Kin 11: 14 | of the land rejoicing and blowing trumpets, she tore her garments 10 His, 2Chr 5: 12 | hundred and twenty priests blowing trumpets. ~ 11 His, 2Chr 23: 13 | of the land rejoicing and blowing trumpets, while the singers 12 His, Tob 6: 9 | a man who has cataracts, blowing into his eyes right on the 13 His, 1Mac 5: 33 | them with three columns blowing their trumpets and shouting 14 His, 1Mac 7: 45 | from Adasa to near Gazara, blowing the trumpets behind them 15 WisdB, Ecc 1: 6 | 6 ~Blowing now toward the south, then 16 ProphB, Dan 3: 50 | a dew-laden breeze were blowing through it. The fire in 17 Gosp, Luk 12: 55 | notice that the wind is blowing from the south you say that 18 Gosp, Joh 6: 18 | because a strong wind was blowing. ~ 19 CathL, Rev 16: 3(3)| The same woe followed the blowing of the second trumpet (Rev