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Alphabetical [« »] dehumanization 1 dei 1 deigned 1 deities 17 deity 20 dejected 4 dejection 2 | Frequency [« »] 17 consuming 17 cord 17 create 17 deities 17 demanding 17 destructive 17 diadem | New American Bible 2002 11 11 IntraText - Concordances deities |
bold = Main text Part, Book Chapter:Verse grey = Comment text
1 Pent, Gen 31: 53 | of Nahor (their ancestral deities) maintain justice between 2 Pent, Exo 8: 22(4)| as the symbols of various deities. ~ 3 Pent, Jud 5: 8(2)| 8] New gods: pagan deities; cf Deut 32:16-18. God punished 4 His, Jdt 5: 6(1)| forefathers were the pagan deities worshiped by Abraham's relatives ( 5 His, Est Int | triumph over two Elamite deities.~The Hebrew text of Esther 6 WisdB, Psa 82: 8(4)| nations to the subordinate deities, keeping Israel as a personal 7 ProphB, Eze 6: 3(1)| the Lord or of Canaanite deities, was performed. ~ 8 ProphB, Eze 8: 10(3)| beasts: probably Egyptian deities, which were represented 9 ProphB, Hos 2: 4(3)| lovers: the local fertility deities to whom, rather than to 10 ProphB, Hos 3: 4(4)| regarded as the tutelary deities of the household; cf Genesis 11 ProphB, Amo 5: 21(4)| nations adored Baal or Chamos, deities which were thought to protect 12 ProphB, Amo 5: 26(6)| is made to the Assyrian deities, Sakkuth, god of war and 13 Gosp, Act 17: 18 | like a promoter of foreign deities," because he was preaching 14 Gosp, Act 17: 18(4)| own. Promoter of foreign deities: according to Xenophon, 15 Gosp, Act 17: 18(4)| accused of promoting new deities. The accusation against 16 Gosp, Act 19: 24(2)| widely worshiped female deities in the Hellenistic world ( 17 NTLet, Rom 13: 1(1)| with devotion to various deities. Paul builds on the traditional