


Current Composition of Superiors

Prefect: Card. Víctor Manuel Fernández

Secretary - Doctrinal Section: Msgr. Armando Matteo

Secretary - Disciplinary Section: H.E. Msgr. John Joseph Kennedy

Adjunct Secretary: H.E. Msgr. Charles Jude Scicluna

Under-Secretary: H.E. Msgr. Philippe Curbelié

Promotor of Justice: F. Robert Joseph Geisinger, S.I.


Superiori Dottrina della Fede

Letter of the Holy Father to the new prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (1st July 2023)


The Dicastery consists of two Sections: Doctrinal and Disciplinary, each coordinated by a Secretary who assists the Prefect in accordance with the specific area of its competence.

The Doctrinal Section encourages and supports study and reflection on the understanding of faith and morals and the progress of theology in different cultures in the light of sound doctrine and contemporary challenges, in order to offer a response, in light of the faith, to the questions and arguments arising from scientific advances and cultural developments.

On the measures to be taken for safeguarding faith and morals and protecting their integrity from errors disseminated by whatever means, the Doctrinal Section carries out its work in close contact with diocesan/eparchial Bishops – whether individually or assembled in Episcopal Conferences, particular Councils or in the hierarchical structures of the Eastern Churches – in the exercise of their mission as authentic teachers and doctors of the faith, whereby they are obliged to preserve and promote the integrity of that faith.

This cooperation applies especially in the case of authorization for the teaching of the theological disciplines, for which the Section offers its considered opinion, with due respect for the proper competence of the Dicastery for Culture and Education.

For safeguarding the truth of the faith and the integrity of morals, the Doctrinal Section:

1. examines writings and opinions that appear contrary or harmful to right faith and morals; it seeks a dialogue with the authors of these works and presents suitable remedies to be applied, in accordance with its proper norms;

2. works to ensure that errors and dangerous teachings circulating among the Christian people do not go without suitable rebuttal.

The Doctrinal Section, through its marriage office, is to examine, both in law and in fact, all matters concerning the privilegium fidei.

Documents to be published by other Dicasteries, Institutions or Offices of the Roman Curia, insofar as they concern teaching on faith and morals, are to be subjected beforehand to the considered judgment of the Doctrinal Section, which through a process of discussion and mutual understanding will help in making appropriate decisions.

Personale Dottrina della Fede

The Disciplinary Section, through its disciplinary office, deals with delicts reserved to the Dicastery and adjudicated by the Supreme Apostolic Tribunal established therein, which then declares or imposes canonical sanctions according to the norm of law, both common and proper, without prejudice to the competence of the Apostolic Penitentiary.

With regard to the delicts mentioned in § 1, the Section, by mandate of the Roman Pontiff, will judge Cardinals, Patriarchs, Legates of the Apostolic See and Bishops, as well as other physical persons, in conformity with canonical provisions.

The Section promotes the training programmes offered by the Dicastery to Ordinaries and legal professionals in order to foster a proper understanding and application of the canonical norms related to its proper area of competency.

Apostolic Constitution Praedicate Evangelium



Postal Address

Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith
Palazzo del Sant’Uffizio
00120 Città del Vaticano