Model for the Evening Prayer Service in St. PeterÂs Square
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Introductory Messages
Here in prayer at the holy places of the Apostle PeterÂs martyrdom and burial, we bless God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has called us to the faith in the holy Church. May the blessing of the Jubilee engrave the Gospel on our hearts and bring forth fruits of a life reconciled with God and our neighbor.
Opening Prayer
God our Father, you have called us to be part of your holy Church, instrument of ChristÂs presence in the world, grant us as pilgrims to Rome for the Great Jubilee that we may grow in faith, hope and charity under the guidance St. PeterÂs successor. Through Christ Our Lord.
Proclamation of the Gospel
Profession of Faith In communion with all ChristÂs faithful, we profess the faith handed down to us by the preaching of the Apostles and safeguarded by the ChurchÂs uninterrupted tradition:
The Credo is sung.
General intercessions
Brothers and sisters, we confidently raise up our petitions to God, trusting in the intercession of the Virgin Mary and of the holy Apostles Peter and Paul
Te rogamus audi nos
For all ChristÂs faithful: that the graces of this Holy Year may confirm them in their striving to live in GodÂs light with us and for us, we pray to the Lord: Te rogamus audi nos
For Pope John Paul II: that the power of the Holy Spirit may sustain him in guiding the Church to fulfill her mission in the world, we pray to the Lord: Te rogamus audi nos
For our communities: that the Holy Year may grant them renewed energy of communion and of missionary witness, we pray to the Lord: Te rogamus audi nos
For the leaders of nations: that the responsibility entrusted to them for the common good not become mere dominion over others, we pray to the Lord: Te rogamus audi nos
For all who suffer for the cause of the gospel: may their likeness to Christ be their strength and the prayer of the brethren their consolation, we pray to the Lord: Te rogamus audi nos
For the peoples wounded by war and conflict: may the gospel teaching of Christ prepare their hearts to bring forth gestures and words of peace, we pray to the Lord: Te rogamus audi nos
For our families and friends: that the Lord may safeguard their friendship and grant them serenity of life, we pray to the Lord:
For all of us gathered here: may the experience of the Jubilee pilgrimage to Rome increase our Christian joy and our commitment to hold fast to Christ in our daily lives, we pray to the Lord: Te rogamus audi nos
Let us pray with confidence to the Father in the words our Savior gave us:
The Pater Noster is sung.
Final Prayer
Ever-living God, in the birth of your Son our religion has its origin and its perfect fulfilment. Help us to share in the life of Christ for he is the salvation of mankind, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.
Invocation of Mary
Apostolic Blessing