Jubilee 2000 Search



+ Sergio Sebastiani

With this issue, the Bulletin-Magazine of the Central Committee for the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000 commences its official journey. After three issues, which might be termed "experimental" - although they did introduce our publication, we now enter a set periodicity: as from this issue, Tertium Millennium, will be published every two months. This is not the only novelty: the setting of a regular calendar of publication is part of an agreement reached with Piemme Publishing House which, from now on will be Tertium Millennium's official publisher.

This is an important step: the competence, experience and scope of this Publisher have enhanced and consolidated a commitment already initiated, which - regarding the Italian edition - can be said to be ready.

But the function of Tertium Millennium, besides being an essential tool for pastoral workers, is to be the natural collecting link between the Central Committee and the National Committees, and therefore the international dimension is an indispensable premise for meeting such an important task. Hence another decisive step, the use of INTERNET permitting us, already with this issue, to connect up with many National Committees, which in this way will have immediate access to the contents of the magazine and may then arrange for local printing.

We have decided to avail of the most modern technology, not just to be up to-date, but to meet the need for as wide a circulation and diffusion as possible of this "diary of a journey" towards the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000. Furthermore, the choice of a Publishing house such as Piemme, dynamically active in the field of Catholic literature, is a sign of our conviction that we are able to offer - precisely because we are dealing with themes directly connected with the essential character of the Jubilee - a highly qualified "product", with outstanding contributions and testimonies, as one can see in this first "official" issue of the new series. It is almost a monographic issue, since, with a variety of sections it focuses entirely on the figure of Jesus Christ, to whom 1997 - the first year of immediate preparation - is devoted. Regarding the contents, from the very start the path of the Bulletin-Magazine, has but one objective, that primary and fundamental purpose indicated by the Pope in Tertio Millennio adveniente : that every community of believers may grow in faith.
