The Angelus towards the great Jubilee of the year 2000
Jubilee 2000 Search


«Among the figures the liturgy sets on our Advent journey in preparation for the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000, today we meet John the Baptist. An austere man, 'a voice in the desert, crying out' (Jn 1:23), sacrificed by the authorities for speaking the truth without reticence, he remains profoundly contemporary. John's Gospel presents him to us as the 'witness to the light' (cf Jn 1,6)».

«Many martyrs have given their lives in witness to their faith in Christ. After two millenniums of history, the Church continues to 'stake' herself on this truth which the Council of Nicaea, in response to the Arians, consigned forever to the Symbol of our faith, in which we confess Christ as "God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God" (ibid)».

(Sunday 15th December 1996)

«Let us learn lovingly to repeat the Holy Name of Jesus, especially during this first year of the triennium of preparation for the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000! 1997, as is generally known, is dedicated to reflection on Christ, and, repeating the name of Jesus with adoring love, putting it at the centre of our prayer, especially liturgical prayer, we will make our own the Apostle Paul's instruction: "and at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth" (Phil 2,10)».

(Sunday, 22nd December 1996)

«I greet warmly the large group from Rome, other parts of Italy and other European countries for the annual appointment organized by the Don Orione Society in view of the Great Jubilee for the Year 2000. Dear boys and girls, during these days and above all last night you have lived another step in preparation for the Holy Year. As you return to your homes, carry with you the joy of this singular experience of faith and brotherhood and be witnesses of Christ: He is the source of hope and reconciliation for every person and for the whole person».

(1st January 1997)

«Reflection on the mystery of Jesus, which especially marks this first year of immediate preparation for the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000, goes well with the Christmas holidays. Continuing the meditation I began a few Sundays ago I would like to reflect on a title Jesus is given more than once in the Gospels. He is called "son of David". Matthew's Gospel opens precisely with these words: "The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son of David" (Mt 1,1)».

(Sunday 5th January 1997)

«In the light of the Epiphany I renew my heartfelt wishes for the year which has just started, the first lap of the itinerary of immediate preparation for the Great Jubilee of 2000. May every person, during this year, feel the redeeming, liberating presence of Christ in personal, family and social life».

(6th January 1997)

«Dear brothers and sisters, today's feast sheds light on one of the spiritual priorities of our journey towards the Holy Year: the need to have an ever deeper awareness of Baptism as "the basis of Christian living" (Tertio Millennio Adveniente , 41). Those who receive this sacrament are baptised in the Spirit of God, to become members of Christ and, with him and with our brothers and sisters, to form "one body" (1 Cor 12,13)».

(Sunday 12th January 1997)

«As Christians, we are called by the Gospel to be peacemakers who proclaim the reconciliation Christ has brought to every man and to all men (cf 2 Cor 5,14,18). This mission becomes more pressing as we head towards the Holy Door of the Year 2000, when we will celebrate the Great Jubilee. If we wish to be faithful to Jesus Christ, we must be thoroughly committed so that, at the dawn of the third millennium, we may find ourselves closer to one another; and everyone, together, closer to God».

(Sunday 19th January 1997)

«May the journey towards the Jubilee be for believers a continual rediscovery of Christ. This is an urgent need which I have emphasized by giving Mark's Gospel to every Roman family. I hope this initiative and others like it will increase in the Church».

(Sunday 26th January 1997)

«I greet affectionately the children of Catholic Action of the diocese of Rome, accompanied by the Cardinal Vicar and their teachers. You dear boys and girls have devoted the month of January to reflection on peace and you have met people of other cultures living in our city. I congratulate you on this splendid initiative, which is in keeping with God's plan and helps to prepare the city of Rome for the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000: to make it even more beautiful, because more welcoming...»

(Sunday 26th January 1997)

«Today the diocese of Rome joins the Week of the Family with Pro-Life Day. Truly, married life, lived according to God's plan, is itself a "gospel" which the world needs, juts as it needs the witness of consecrated life. May all families, and particularly those in Rome, be leaders on the missionary journey of preparation for the Jubilee of the Year 2000».

(Sunday 2nd February 1997)
