Jean Guitton
All my life long I have been concerned about the following question: what is the relation between time and eternity ?
From this point of view I have never ceased to think of Jesus Christ, since Jesus Christ, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, is constantly related with time. But Jesus' relations with time are not the same before and after the Resurrection. After the Resurrection, Jesus Christ is intimately present in time and I would even say also in each of us. However it must not be forgotten that according to our Christian faith one cannot separate Jesus-Christ from God. Every time Jesus is present, present too, at the same time as Jesus Christ, are God the Father and God the Holy-Spirit. Therefore the Most Holy Trinity is always present, when Jesus is present. In the Eucharist, according to the Christian faith we have the whole Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
(Jean Guitton, born on August 18th 1901, at Saint Etienne, since 1961 he has been a member of the Academie Francaise. In 1949 he encountered Mgr Angelo Roncalli, Nuncio in Paris, who, after becoming Pope called him to participate in the Council. 1950 sees the beginning of a long friendship with Mgr Montini , later Pope Paul VI. In 1954 he is appointed professor at the Sorbonne. He is the author of very many works, both philosophical and divulgative).