The Art and Culture Commission for the Holy Year has the task of examining projects which regard various initiatives in five different sectors: art (architecture, painting, sculpture), theatre, music, literature, cinema and television. The Commission meets every two or three months, and in the same period the five sub-commissions also meet.
The first job carried out was the choice of the Logo for the Holy Year: of the 150 proposals which arrived from all over the world, seven were selected, presented to the Holy Father, who finally chose the Logo which we are all familiar with. The Commission is now carrying out a selection process for the JubileeÂs Hymn.
The Commission also received hundreds of proposals for various events: art exhibitions, plays, concerts, editorial initiatives, proposals for new films. Thirty six proposals have received approval until now and they have been passed on to the Solidarity Fund for further procedures; for the other initiatives further details were requested.
Numerous initiatives were started to promote new creations in the artistic, musical and theatrical fields. The Embassies to the Holy See have been invited to take on initiatives to present the history and culture of individual nations in Rome during the Holy Year, highlighting the contribution made by Christianity in social, cultural and religious life.