"Teaching aid on the Holy Spirit completed"
Jubilee 2000 Search


Theologico-Historical Commission

"Teaching aid on the Holy Spirit completed"

In addition to its meetings with "Roman" members, the Theologico-Historical Commission had its plenary meeting in September 1996. The presence of all the members and the opportunity for two days of intense work gave way to significant results as regards the approaching deadlines for the jubilee preparation.

Above all, some of the thematics were taken into consideration which require deeper reflection for the natural implications they possess, both for the work of the other commissions and for the impact on the Christian community. Then the commission began to interrogate itself on the theme of indulgences. Following this first problematic, the initiative for a day of study which happened March 8 of last year took its beginning.

The commission evaluated historical, dogmatic, linguistic and ecumenical aspects. Other themes which engaged the commission were those relating to the theme of the roots of anti-Semitism in Christian environments and of intolerances. Another sphere of concern regards the ways of evaluating the reception of Vatican Council II.

On the level of teaching aids for triennial catechesis of preparation, one should note that the commission's volume: Jesus, Word of the Father, Only Savior of the World, has had great success. This text, which follows the Commentary on Tertio Millennio Adveniente, is available in the following languages: Italian, French, English, German, Spanish and Portuguese. The Italian edition has already exceeded the second edition, the Spanish the fourth for Spain only, the English has already completed the second edition, the French was exhausted in two months and the German, in the words of its editor, has surpassed every expectation.

The next volume on the Holy Spirit is already ready.

For the Easter period the Italian manuscript will already be at the disposition of all the publishing houses in a way such that the teaching aid (with a similar length of the the preceding one of 120 pages), can be printed for June-September, the real beginning of the catechetical and pastoral activities. The volume entitled Come Holy Spirit and Renew the Universe is an essay in which the teaching on the Holy Spirit is thought back upon in a systematic manner. The narrative style, easily read by all, again meets the need that these volumes might be used by the greatest number of faithful. The text is richly woven with the teaching of the Church Fathers, above all of the Eastern Fathers, and it has a connotation of strong ecumenical impact. The other volumes on God the Father and the Eucharist will be finished in the course of the year and information on them will be given during the upcoming meetings of the Central Committee.
