Venezuela - United between reality and Word
For the year dedicated to the Holy Spirit the department for catechesis of the Venezuelan Episcopal Conference has prepared a publication, "Lord and Giver of Life", in continuity with the previous volume of 1997: "And who do you say that I am?". In fact, just as Jesus' meeting is prolonged in the Spirit of the Lord present in the Church and among Christians, so the 10 texts of catechesis for 1998 continue the path of in-depth study begun last year on Jesus. They are centred on the action of the Spirit starting from the Old Testament, until the Incarnation, Pentecost and the Church today. The manual is addressed first of all to pastoral workers, to those responsible for the formation of children and adults, to those who direct movements or groups for reflection and prayer. The methodology suggested is that of anthropological catechesis, which emphasizes the special characteristics and real initial conditions of each group, so that they may be used to reach a real "union between reality and Word". This is why the text does not suggest pedagogical guidelines; on the contrary, it invites each educator to start from his own everyday reality in order to change it, through reflection, dialogue and confrontation enlightened by the Spirit, into prayer and community celebration. Generally speaking each chapter corresponds to one meeting and is subdivided into four sections. It begins with an introduction of the topic, explaining the doctrinal biblical content and its implications for the Christian's life. Then guidelines and questions are proposed for personal and group meditation on the theme, in such a way as to bring out the values that are linked more closely to it and the actions that may result from it. This is followed by the period of prayer and adoration, and finally some indications are given for further study, through Bible reading, the Catechism of the Catholic Church or publications that help to enlarge the study. The catechesis develops starting for the Holy Spirit's presence at the Creation of the world and in the renewal of man, and continues with a study on the people of Israel, the patriarchs and prophets, to arrive, in the third meeting, at the life of Jesus, from his baptism in the Jordan to his promise to send the Spirit down upon the Apostles. The reflection then focuses on the relationship between the Holy Spirit and Mary, from the Annunciation to Pentecost, which introduces the chapter on the Spirit in the Church of the first Christian communities. From here the theme moves to the sacrament of Confirmation and Christian life in the Spirit, who reveals God's action in the world. An examination of the symbols chosen in the Scriptures and in art to represent the Holy Spirit introduces the reflection on the gifts, charisms and fruits that the Spirit bestows on his people. The final meeting focuses on the Spirit's presence in the Church today, and especially on the Second Vatican Council ("a providential event"), on Catholic associations and movements and the different forms of ecclesial life. An overall look at the action of the Spirit in the history of humanity concludes this journey of research, for which special songs and prayers are also suggested, culminating in the Pope's prayer for the year of the Holy Spirit.