Portugal - Renewed attention to catechesis
Also this year the Portuguese Episcopal Conference has paid great attention to catechesis, publishing several small books on the Holy Spirit for educators in parishes and schools. In fact the theme of the second year of preparation is particularly complex, especially for young children; thus we have the publication: "On Catholic moral and religious education", for the first course of basic teaching: "1998 - the Holy Spirit will teach you all things" (Jn 14:26), prepared by the national Secretariat for Christian Education. The text, enriched with designs, songs and pedagogical indications for young children, focuses on the value of unity and on respect for the various charisms and gifts that each person has received from the Spirit. It also stresses the importance of witnessing to the Christian faith with joy, in order to become an instrument of the Spirit, the principal agent of the new evangelization. The message is presented in the form of a game, in which children play an active and creative part, under the teacher's careful guidance. In further support of catechists' activity with children and adolescents, the Secretariat has prepared the small book "Subsidiary catechesis  Preparing to live the Jubilee". First of all this offers some reference texts for the specific formation of educators, taken from Sacred Scripture, the Conciliar documents, TMA, and so on. In the second part the guide examines the pedagogical problems of each age group, starting from children of six or seven in the first course, suggesting the most suitable topics for them and ways for conveying the message. Educators' involvement is encouraged by the atmosphere of joy that should pervade the meetings, from group activities and moments of dialogue on their own experiences and ideas. Instead, the more strictly educational aspect is fostered with moments of reflection that follow the readings. Another handbook, "Suggestions for youth meetings, in preparation for the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000" is directed to older children. The publication, by the subsidiary Service for the youth apostolate, suggests eight themes for eight meetings focused on the Holy Spirit. Through a series of questions, explanatory diagrams and prayers, a programme is outlined that starts from a deeper realisation that the Spirit is in our midst, and it continues by analysing the relationship between the Spirit and Jesus, as well as his presence in every Christian and in the life of the Church. This is followed by an examination of the gifts and charisms that the Spirit has poured into each person, which in its turn introduces the discourse on the sacrament of Confirmation and on how we can let the Spirit work through us. Finally the symbols of the Spirit are explained and each young person is invited to discover his or her own vocation.
The publication "Renewing hope", always by the Secretariat for Christian Education, is aimed at religious education in schools, and focuses exclusively on the theological virtues most related to the Spirit. It deals with three topics: discovering the signs of Hope in society, in the Church and within ourselves; understanding, through reflection on the experience of the people of Israel and on Jesus' life, why hope is at the basis of Christian life; recognising that hope is a typically human attitude and living it fully. The text recommends that the invitation to "renew hope" should be understood correctly: in fact it is not a question of limiting ourselves to bearing witness to our own faith and merely expecting things to happen. On the contrary, we must become instruments of the Spirit, in the certainty of his presence, in order to substantiate Hope itself. Some concrete examples proposed at the end of the booklet explain the concept further: enlightening examples, taken from the life of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, St. Teresa of the Child Jesus, the Nobel Peace prize-winner Augn San Suu Kyi and Simone Veil.
A point of reference for these publications and for this year's entire pastoral action is the publication proposed by the Central Committee for the Great Jubilee, "Come, Holy Spirit", translated by the Portuguese Episcopal Conference and circulated throughout the nation.
With regard to the activities of the various dioceses, we wish to indicate the publication "Catechesis and celebrations  animated by the Spirit of the Lord", which illustrates the programme of the diocese of Santarém, suggesting texts for catechesis and liturgical guides for this year. Also the diocese of Angra has published its own programme, whose central theme is clearly illustrated by the title: "Renewing the diocese in its communities and especially in families and among young people, open to the Holy Spirit and faithful to the Council". Finally, the diocese of Viana do Castelo has published a small book of theological-pastoral reflections prepared by the University of theology and human sciences: "I believe in the Holy Spirit". The ten chapters deal with various problems and mysteries related to the Spirit, with particular attention to His presence in the modern world. In fact the text deals particularly with the present stage of transition from a "culture of having" to a "culture of being", which should give the correct importance to inner equilibrium and harmony in society, thanks to the wisdom of the Spirit, "The Lord and giver of (true) life".