The Pope: «Don't lose the values which Christianity has conferred on European history»
«...We are called to put ourselves to the service of reconciliation, in all its manifold aspects. It is not an honour for Christians to proclaim the message of reconciliation while we remain divided and sometimes even hostile to each other. There is still a need to purify our historic memory, scarred by the wounds of a confused and often violent past. Europe has a very special responsibility towards Ecumenism. It is in Europe that major divisions between East and West and within the West itself took place. Despite this, it is in Europe that serious efforts were made in the direction of Christian reconciliation and the search for a fully visible unity. This Assembly is a testimony of what has been done to promote theological dialogue encouraging that spiritual movement known as dialogue of charity, which creates the conditions in which theological dialogue can develop with clarity, frankness and reciprocal trust.
At another level, the European continent today longs for the reconciliation of its peoples and the elimination of social conditions which cause discord. A more positive relation emerged between East and West following the decline of communist regimes. However new problems and new tensions arose, which were sometimes expressed violently in open conflict. Christians have a special responsibility in these conflicts because their authentic spiritual inheritance incarnates the spirit of forgiveness and peace.
In a Europe in search not only of economic, but also political and social cohesion, Christians of the East and the West can offer a common although distinct contribution to the spiritual dimension of the continent. We must not forget nor lose the values which Christianity has conferred on the history of Europe. As followers of Christ we must be profoundly convinced that we have a common responsibility to promote the respect of human rights, justice and peace, and all that is linked to the sacredness of life. In particular, in the midst of increasing indifference and secularisation, we are called to give testimony to the values of life and faith which encompass the whole Christian message».