Dossier on the Holy Spirit - Michael L. Fitgerald
Jubilee 2000 Search


Commission for Interreligious Dialogue


+ Michael L. Fitzgerald

The second year of immediate preparation for the Great Jubilee of the year 2000 focuses on the Holy Spirit. It also proclaimed as the Year of Hope. Pope John Paul II, in his letter Tertio Millennio Adveniente, has stated that the task of preparation for the Jubilee includes «a renewed appreciation of the presence and activity of the Spirit»(TMA 45). Now it is quite clear from the teaching of the Second Vatican Council and various encyclicals (Redemptor Hominis,Dominum et Vivificantem and Redemptoris Missio) that this presence and activity of the Holy Spirit is not confined to the Church but is found also outside its visible boundaries.

The Council had already indicated interreligious dialogue as a way of responding to the «impulses of the Spirit»(GS 92). This may be why the Holy Father lists, as one of signs of hope, «the renewed interest in dialogue with other religions and with contemporary culture»(TMA 46).

The dossier on the Holy Spirit wishes to contribute to this dialogue by giving some brief indications on how the Spirit is considered by other religous traditions. It limits itself to three religions: Judaism, Islam and Hinduism.

With regard to Judaism a note on the Holy Spirit in the Biblical tradition is followed by some brief reflections on the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Holiness in post-biblical jewish writings. The section on Islam presents some significant passages from Qur'an and a few extracts from spiritual authors. The text representing the hindu tradition are all taken from the hindu scriptures.

It will be obvious that these traditions do not speak about the Holy Spirit in a way which is fully in agreement with catholic belief. It has been thought never-theless that the texts presented here may be useful to the local committees for the preparation of the Jubilee and may help them in their relation with people of other religions.
