The echo of the apostolic Letter Tertio Millennio Adveniente has conveyed the jubilee announcement to the five continents, and with it the great goals of the Year 2000 and the proposal for a Trinitarian journey to be travelled together. The response of the local Churches has been unanimous.
The Holy Father desired and planned this Church communion "in the pilgrimage to the Father's house", which the Holy Year is. This is testified by the words addressed to the Central Committee of the Great Jubilee for the Year 2000, to bishops and to synodal assemblies. In his discourse to "those responsible for works" the Pope constantly confirms the Jubilee objectives and themes and invites them to renew the instruments of proclamation. At the first plenary assembly of the Central Committee John Paul II recalls the task of suggesting "courses of reflection and action at the universal level" through the publication of regular and useful pastoral materials. He also exhorts it to "make the best possible use of the many modern means of social communication so that the intense preparatory work may be known and shared by the entire Christian people in every corner of the world".
The first Jubilee of the telematic age must be accompanied by new possibilities and forms of missionary activity that awaken in every Christian a more vivid awareness of his or her own missionary mandate: "The Pope has great confidence in these new forms of mission and expects much from them".
In the light of his anxiety for the joint celebration of the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000, the fundamental elements of Holy Years such as conversion and reconciliation, but also penance and forgiveness, take on a deeper meaning and assume wider horizons. The Jubilee "will be celebrated in Rome, the Holy Land and the individual local Churches" and in this it differs from all previous Jubilees. Conversion of heart "would not be authentic if it did not also lead to reconciliation with one's brothers and sisters, who are children of the same Father". The pilgrimage towards the Jubilee "places" will not bear fruit without intense moments of prayer, significant acts of penance, and works of fraternal charity "that can be understood as living proof of the love of God". In this spirit the Jubilee "will be an occasion for increasing the expressions of charity in every particular Church, in every association, in every ecclesial group". It is an opportune time "to reduce substantially, if not cancel outright, the international debt which weighs so heavily on the future of many nations".