7 June 1997
"I come here to commend the concerns of the Church and of humanity to the merciful Christ. On the threshold of the third millennium I come to entrust to him once more my Petrine ministry "Jesus, I trust in you"!
Once more I ask you to pray for the intentions of the Church and to support me in my ministerium Petrinum. I know that such prayer is always offered here: I thank you for this with all my heart. We all need it so much: tertio millennio adveniente"
From the reflection during the Marian prayer at the end of the Eucharistic Celebration. 8 June 1997
"Listening attentively to Christ's command to foster love of God and of neighbour, we entrust to Mary every effort made to bring this about, as we approach the third millennium - tertio millennio adveniente.
With all my heart I embrace the faithful from all the Polish Dioceses and the sisters and brothers of the Church in Kraków. While the whole Church is getting ready for the Jubilee of the second millennium of Christianity, the Diocese of Kraków is approaching the end of its own first millennium. I know that by means of parish missions and the new visit of parishes by a copy of the picture of Our Lady of Czestochowa you wish to prepare yourselves for this special event. May this preparation produce abundant fruit".
At the Angelus, 15 June 1997
"It was deeply moving for me to return as a pilgrim to the feet of Our Lady of Jasna Góra. To her I entrusted the Church's journey towards the Holy Door of the Jubilee of the Year 2000, and particularly to the horizons which are unfolding for her mission in the third millennium. To her I entrusted the Polish nation and all the nations of Europe, called to build their integration on solid spiritual, cultural and ethical foundations, beginning with their common Christian roots, whose shining example is the figure and work of St Adalbert, commemorated on the 1000th anniversary of his martyrdom. To Mary, I entrusted the commitment of Christians to advancing towards full unity, in accordance with Christ's will and the demands of the new evangelization; I also called on her for reconciliation and peace for all peoples".