Parents and families of the whole world, let me say to you: God calls you to holiness! He himself has chosen you «before the creation of the world - St Paul tells us - to be holy and blameless before him ... through Jesus Christ» (Eph 1,4). He loves you passionately, he desires your happiness, but he wants you to be always able to combine fidelity with happiness, because one cannot exist without the other. Do not let a hedonistic mentality, ambition and selfishness enter your homes. Be generous with God. I cannot fail to recall, once again, that the family, «as an "intimate community of life and love" [is] at the service of the Church and of society» (Familiaris consortio, 50).
The mutual gift of self, blessed by God and imbued with faith, hope and love, will enable both spouses to achieve perfection and sanctification. In other words, it will serve as the sanctifying centre of one's own family and of spreading the work of evangelizing the whole Christian home.
Dear brothers and sisters, what an immense task you have before you! Be bearers of peace and joy within the family; grace elevates and perfects love and with it grants you the indispensable family virtues of humility, the spirit of service and sacrifice, parental and filial affection, respect and mutual understanding. And since the good is self-diffusive, I also hope that your support of the family apostolate will be, as far as possible, an incentive to spread generously the gift that is in you, first to your children then among other couples - perhaps relatives and friends - who are far from God or who are experiencing moments of misunderstanding or distrust. On the journey towards the Jubilee of the Year 2000, I invite all those listening to me to strengthen their faith and witness as Christians, so that with God's grace there may be true conversion and personal renewal in all the world's families (cf. Tertio Millennio Adveniente, 42). May the spirit of the Holy Family of Nazareth reign in all Christian homes! Families of Brazil, of Latin America and of the whole world, the Pope and the Church trust in you. Have trust: God is with us!