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The phases of a community reflection

The Episcopal Conference of Guinea has traced the path that will lead the Catholic Church of the African country to the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000. The programme envisages during every year of this preparatory phase a common reflection of all the Church in Guinea to be held in the different dioceses present on the territory.

For 1997 the appointment was held in Boffa, the first mission of the Archdiocese of Conakry, where from 24 April to 4 May, Catholics of Guinea discussed the theme: Jesus Christ, only Saviour of the world, yesterday, today and always. But the Archdiocese of Conakry began its preparatory path towards the Jubilee some time ago. One thousand copies of Pope John Paul II's Apostolic Letter Tertio Millennio Adveniente were distributed September last year in Kindia to representatives of the three ecclesial jurisdictions which make up the Archdiocese of Conakry.

This was the first moment of community reflection which the Catholic Church of Guinea shared in view of the official opening of the preparatory phase for the great Jubilee of the year 2000. Many initiatives were organised by the Diocesan committee of the Jubilee for the year 2000; first among all of them the sensitisation of the clergy belonging to the Archdiocese. The Committee also dealt with the publication, on the diocesan bulletin, of articles regarding the preparation for the Holy Year.

And precisely on occasion of the official opening of the preparatory phase for the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000, the Archbishop of Conakry, Monsignor Robert Sarah sent the faithful of his diocese a pastoral letter, in which he outlined the significant points of this 3-year path.

The 2,000 years from the birth of Christ must be prepared and celebrated, like Pope John Paul states in Tertio Millennio Adveniente, through the joy and conversion of the heart. For this reason Monsignor Sarah invited all the Catholics in the Republic of Guinea to a re-confirmation, to a study of the faith and to the testimony of Christians. Following the Apostolic Letter Tertio Millennio Adveniente, Monsignor Sarah declared that the contemplation and invocation of the Virgin Mary, will be fundamental during the preparatory phase, especially over the first year.

The Catholic community of the Republic of Guinea in 1997 also recalled the centenary of the death of Saint Therese of the small Jesus and of the Sacred Shroud. «Saint Therese - wrote Monsignor Sarah in the pastoral letter - helps us to discover our vocation and that of the entire Church, that is loving God and one's neighbour. Saint Therese has understood that love strengthens all vocations, that love is everything, that it embraces all times and all places, in a motion that will be eternal».

Monsignor Sarah concluded the letter inviting all the parish priests of the Archdiocese of Conakry to organise meetings, catechesis encounters which over the course of 1997 will deepen the study of the faith in Christ.


Examination of conscience

The preparation of the Rwandan Church for the Great Jubilee of the year 2000 began in November 1996 with the publication of the first pastoral letter of the bishops of Rwanda which invited Catholics in the African country, ravaged by civil war, to adequately prepare for the Jubilee of the year 2000 and for the celebration, in the same year, of the Centenary of Evangelisation in Rwanda.

The preparation for these two Jubilees, the bishops declared, represents an important moment for a precise examination of conscience and a real change following the terrible wars, genocide and massacres. «Only if there will be this true will to open to God asking for forgiveness will we be able to live a new time of justice, love, peace and grace», the Rwandan bishops stated. The pastoral letter traces the path of the Rwandan faithful not only, as mentioned, for the Holy Year of 2000, but also for another Jubilee event which Rwanda will be celebrating, the centenary of its evangelisation which has now led the African country to comprise 9 dioceses and 130 parishes.

«At such a difficult moment for the country - says the pastoral letter - invaded by war, ravaged by genocide, we must return to our vocation, to freedom. All Christians must avoid ill making the main characteristics of Christians prevail: truth, good and love». It is important for the bishops of Rwanda that this renewal of values take place above all in the families, the true heart of Christian values; for this reason the prelates of the African country invited the faithful to re-evaluate the sacrament of marriage.

Love, good, truth and justice, but above all living one's life following the path indicated by God through Christ. These are the recurrent themes of the second pastoral letter which the bishops of Rwanda prepared on occasion of the first year of preparation for the Great Jubilee of the year 2000. Even in this second message «Let us contemplate Jesus Christ with our experience».

«And our reflection must start precisely from the teaching of Jesus made man and who died on the cross to free us from sin», the Rwandan bishops declared. «This is the path to follow so that good will triumph over evil without resorting to arms». An invitation to reconciliation also came from the Pope who in his message at the beginning of the year urged all those who believe in Christ to march towards the path of forgiveness and reconciliation.


A country on the path towards justice

The path of the Church of Mali in view of the Jubilee of the year 2000 began in 1994 with the opening of the Synod for Africa which dealt in particular with the growth and development of the life of the Church in Africa. In his apostolic exhortation Pope John Paul II defined the Synod as a historic event, an occasion of resurrection and hope for the African population. The important issues to reach such objectives are evangelisation and the cultural growth of the population which require an ecumenical and inter-religious dialogue in the spirit of love and the respect of every man. This important task will have to be carried out by the grass-roots ecclesial communities, catechists, the family, young people, consecrated men and women, priests and bishops, seminarians and deacons. In parallel to the purely spiritual themes, the Pope's apostolic exhortation also deals with justice and peace. These aspects were at the centre of the two pastoral letters which the bishops of Mali addressed to their faithful.

In the first Fraternal communion in the Church Family towards the year 2000 (1995) the bishops of Mali outlined the path that the local Church will have to follow in the preparatory phase for the Holy Year. If 1996 and 1997 were respectively characterised by reflection on themes including evangelisation, justice and peace, in the three successive years catechesis and parish, diocesan and national celebrations will be at the centre of the preparations of the Church in Mali. Justice and peace in particular were the themes at the centre of the pastoral letter which the bishops of Mali sent for 1997. The bishops hope that Mali will become a new nation where ideals of freedom, not only political but also of expression, may be able to triumph.


New evangelisation, human rights, inculturation and mission "ad gentes"

A clear and essential pastoral plan which proposes a common path for the Churches of Ecuador from here to the Great Jubilee is the fruit of the work of the bishops of the Latin American country, gathered in plenary assembly, who are strongly committed to put into practice the intuitions and suggestions indicated in the acts of the Second Vatican Council and in Tertio Millennio Adveniente. The document published by the Episcopal Conference is addressed to the country's Catholic communities, at all levels, from the diocese to the parish, to the laity.

After having summarised the contents of Tertio Millennio Adveniente, the aid underlines the main points, translating them into concrete proposals (new evangelisation, human rights, inculturation, mission "ad gentes", etc). In particular, guidelines of behaviour were identified for the three-year period within four areas of ecclesial activity. The area "magisterium of the Church" proposed for 1997 the study of the themes "Jesus in the Synoptic Gospels", during a national bible week (organised by the evangelisation department), and the updating of texts for catechesis, in light of the Catechesim of the Catholic Church and the results of the national meeting of diocesan representatives for catechesis (organised by the catechesis department). The department for culture, ecumenism and inter-religious dialogue promoted, in January, a week of prayer for Christian unity, while the department for missions is working for greater presence of the missionary dimension in the diocesan pastoral plans. The education department is obtaining greater involvement by schools and lay teachers in the spirit of preparation for the Jubilee, also through programmes and texts on the themes of love, chastity and the family. The area "sanctifying presence of the Church" makes use of three departments: one, aimed at liturgy, proposes aids on the Jubilee of the 40 hours, on the Baptism and the domestic prayer, and some homiletic Sunday guides focused on the figure of Jesus, published in the magazine "Celebrar". The "Sacred Art" department organises a course and an exhibition on Jesus in Ecuadorian art and the sanctuaries department studies the catechesis on Mary, also through the distribution of aids. The area "of the people of God", with the departments for the Clergy and seminars, the vocations department and the one for consecrated life, is strongly committed to the study of Christological themes, through diocesan meetings and work-groups; also the departments for the organisations and lay ministries, for the family and young people, for the pastoral of indigenous, for the Afro-Ecuadorian pastoral and for the urban pastoral address the same basic issues, outlining for each sector, the most useful initiatives for the various communities being addressed: from seminars and debates on the Church in Ecuador, to the study of the catechesis, to the organisation of parish weeks for young people and national meetings on indigenous theology. The area "for the social pastoral" includes the department for formation, which is publishing aids for the National congress on the social doctrine of the Church (1999) and has organised the social week on the theme "Economy of solidarity", the department for community development, particularly active in the safeguard of women and children in society, the socio-economic department which supports aid projects for the food emergencies of the weaker sectors of the population, while the departments for the pastoral of prisons, for emigration and for refugees, for health and for workers represent the specific instruments through which the Episcopal Conference manages to promote and circulate the message of the Church in areas and communities characterised by very particular problems.

For 1998 the following are already being prepared: a National Bible Week on the theme of the Holy Spirit, a national meeting "Church-families", the participation to the III Latin American Encounter for missionary childhood, the promotion of Marian pilgrimages and meetings for young people (theme "hope"); finally, aids and homiletic guides will be published on pneumatological themes, the same which will be studied on occasion of the World Day for consecrated life, also in the specific implications suggested by the fields of action of the individual departments. A similar activity will be carried out during 1999, when the guiding theme "God Father" and the aspects of Christian life suggested by Tertio Millennio Adveniente for further study will be examined and translated into practice in the different social and cultural realities being experienced by the Church in Ecuador. In particular the National Congress on the social doctrine of the Church will be able to make the most of the path followed during the two preceding years to also address effectively the problems of politics, unions, youth and business (Congress of charity).

Some initiatives have already been well defined: organisation of days for young people, Marian pilgrimages, liturgical study, a strong action to improve relations with Peru. The path of preparation will culminate with the National congress, organised in co-ordination with the Pontifical Council Cor Unum, which in 1999 will elaborate the suggestions which arose during the whole of 1998 from the reflection of diocesan communities on the significance and practical implications of the virtues of charity in the society of Ecuador.


Catechesis towards the year 2000

Catechesis, the engine of preparation for the Great Jubilee of the year 2000. The Episcopal Conference of Costa Rica is dedicating itself with special attention to the announcement and study of the Word, also through the distribution of publications destined to the different realities which animate its Church. In particular, the national Commission for the Jubilee prepared a catechesis booklet on the themes suggested by Tertio Millennio Adveniente for 1997: Jesus Christ, the baptism, the family.

The 18 chapters of the booklet are structured in such a way as to make it easy for them to be used in group discussions, in the communities, or even in the family; to this end the treatment of the subjects of catechesis is preceded by a brief guide for the animators. As a preliminary, for each of the 18 themes, a series of reflections is proposed which regard the problems of the daily reality. The verses chosen from the Sacred Scriptures then suggest the answers, which are given greater value for their timeliness through a brief comment, which is not limited to indicating the readings, but invites to translate it into everyday practice through prayer and material action.

The national Commission of catechesis presented the book You are the Messiah, focused on the figure of Christ. Taking great care over the systematic, pedagogic, pastoral and spiritual aspects, the aid proposes reflection ideas on the eschatological themes starting from the Messianic introduction contained in the Old Testament, to reach the fullness of the times with the Mystery of Redemption, to our days. The timeliness of the question «And you, who do you say I am?» is underlined continuously by the need to know Jesus better, to love him and follow his example every day. The discussion develops dwelling on certain cardinal themes. Above all the message of hope in celestial salvation, reached by the people of God through earthly history. The eschatological dimension of Christian life then invites to a more in-depth examination of the Gospel of John and of the Christology of Saint Paul. An entire chapter is dedicated to underline the revolutionary significance of the Christian message, a sign of contradiction with the materialism of all times and against ancient and new heresies. Finally there is a reflection on «where do we find Jesus Christ today?». Here a special reference is reserved to the Latin American reality, where sensitivity to themes of Redemption, Salvation through the liberation of the spiritual ills spread by modern society is particularly high. Even in Costa Rica these are at the origin of the inequalities and injustices to which the culture of life and love wants to provide a strong response.


Pastoral directions

A strong signal of challenge for a renewal in Christians and in the society of Bolivia, in view of the Great Jubilee. The pastoral directions published by the Episcopal Conference of Bolivia encourage the Church to be increasingly a "Communicator of life and hope", extending the message to men of good will, for a commitment inspired by a renewed vigor in virtues of theology. A scenario of the world reality according to a pastoral vision introduces an analysis at a national level, which identifies the challenges and opportunities in the political, social, cultural, environmental and religious fields, indicating the reasons for hope to fight the ills of our times.

The three dimensions of the Kingdom of God, personal, social and historical, eschatological, represent the points of reference to best use the possibilities offered by the globalisation and technologies of the third millennium. The crisis in authentically human values in favor of individualistic materialism has hit society, politics and the souls of individuals. But even in Bolivia there are clear signals of a spiritual and ethical re-birth, which is turning into action from the new forces of the nation (young people, women) in the wake of a renewed awareness of one's own identity. It's a process which stems from those groups which have mainly been able to conserve the authenticity of their own roots: agricultural and indigenous communities, where the response of love and solidarity is stronger to the culture of abuse and death. All this through a church that is poor, but credible and actively committed in the fields of education, health, social services, to further study and make concrete the themes of the new evangelisation. In this context the pastoral lines are drawn for a renewed circulation and understanding of the Good News, for human promotion, for more involvement of the laity in the Church, to give greater importance to grass-roots communities, to the care of vocations and to return to the family a central role in society and in the culture of life.

A first response to the dangers which lie in wait of individuals most affected by a sense of loss which is so common today, is another aid prepared by the Bolivian Episcopal Conference, Pastoral directions on the subject of non-Catholic religious movements in Bolivia. In particular it refers to the phenomenon of the proliferation of very aggressive "sects" on the subject of proselytism and, above all, cause of divisions and conflicts within families and societies, as a consequence of the radicalism which characterises these movements. The document analyses the profound reasons which make some social groups particularly exposed to this attack and outlines very detailed pastoral lines of action, but reiterates at the same time the essential role of every Christian to give to such indications the concrete content of a personal response.


The guides for the Sunday homily

A new initiative in support of the pastoral activity in the Argentine dioceses: a series of homiletic guides, published by the Episcopal Commission for the Great Jubilee. The project, which is now consolidated, was started at the end of Advent 1996 and is characterised by an explicit will of the Commission to supply priests with an instrument gathering exegetic and historical references of liturgical texts, linking them to reflection proposals and to the themes suggested by Tertio Millennio Adveniente. To this end each guide deals with the themes of each Sunday in two sections. The first part, "Technical File", outlines the relevant historic elements to place the facts narrated in the Scriptures in the socio-cultural context of the time, and identifies the symbolism used, recalling the theological interpretations. Generally they are not elements to be used directly in the homily. The second part, "Directions", proposes essentially biblical themes, useful for prayer, and, unlike before, tends to make it easier to identify the guidelines for the homily: the main themes suggested by the Sunday readings are highlighted and dealt with in separate chapters, which include reflections drawn from the Fathers of the Church, conciliar documents and important contributions of modern theology. Every section then makes a reference to Tertio Millennio Adveniente and the Apostolic Letter of the Argentine Episcopal Conference Walking towards the Third Millennium (April 1996).

There is a dual objective: on the one hand the total respect of the concrete reality in which each diocese and parish is immersed, in order to guarantee the fundamental role which each single priest covers in creating a relation with the faithful pervaded by a spirit of ecclesial community. On the other, it appeared useful to supply a unitary point of reference, to underline the steps already taken until now and to suggest those to be pursued together in the immediate future. Indeed, the first guide of the series, recovers completely the "Examination of conscience", the aid prepared by the Episcopal conference in the document Walking towards the Third Millennium, relating to the experiences of the years 1995 and 1996. The guide for the period of Advent and the celebration of Christmas, is entitled Jesus, Gospel of the Father. This is followed by others, as the liturgical year moves ahead: The Transfigured Cross, dedicated to the Lenten period, the guide You are Christ, Son of the Living God! provides directions for the Sundays from the XIII to the XIX of the ordinary time, while You have words of eternal life! refers to themes for the Sundays from the XX to the XXVI of the ordinary time.


The whole Church mobilises for evangelisation

The Episcopal Conference of the Dominican Republic chose for 1997, as a preparation for the Jubilee, the theme "Jesus Christ Saviour and Evangeliser". The local Church elaborated a pastoral programme which is an evangelisation plan, to be followed by parishes, movements, religious, nuns and all Catholics. The bishops recalled that evangelising is not simply proclaiming the Good News, but mainly reaching the heart of the people and transforming it in Christ, to reach all human expressions: culture, structures, legislation, organisations and institutions.

In a pastoral letter, the bishops suggested monthly studies on the general theme, through various initiatives at a local and national level, in line with the liturgical year. National events include the theological-pastoral Week of Christology, the Mariological Week, the Liturgy Course, the Biblical Theology Week. In each local community it is suggested that the following be carried out: a Bible Week, a Marian Week, a Vocational Week, the celebration of popular Missions and the consecration of the families to Christ the King.

In line with the pastoral plan for 1997, the National Institute for the pastoral prepared a series of aids for the various times during the year, which include biblical, liturgical and pastoral indications, with references and comments to the Apostolic Letter Tertio Millennio Adveniente.


The pastoral plan of the Archdiocese of Valencia

Presenting the pastoral plan for the years between 1997 and 2000, the Archbishop of Valencia, Monsignor Agustin Garcia-Gasco Vicente, underlined how it represents a «very significant phase in this period of preparation for the Great Jubilee of the year 2000, in which the saving of the human genre is celebrated on behalf of our Lord Jesus Christ». The doctrinal and pastoral reference point of the plan is made up by the Apostolic Letter Tertio Millennio Adveniente. «All the means which we have available in our particular Church, although poor, must be placed at the service of this Jubilee celebration so that all the Christian people may prepare for it accordingly and celebrate it with joy».

To prepare for an event as significant as the Jubilee, the Archdiocese commissioned a wide-ranging socio-religious survey, whose results are useful to motivate and study the first need of the evangeliser: «knowing and loving people, making them closer in the spirit of faith, because from this perspective we discover that we are all sons of God». The objectives and actions proposed by the Pastoral plan regard three categories of people: the practising and pastorally committed person, the occasional Catholic who turns to the Church to ask for its religious and educational services, those who although they are Christian do not go to Church. Each Christian community will thus have to identify its own specific objectives among those proposed, in harmony with the priorities of the Diocese, and annually check on their implementation.

The Archbishop of Valencia highlights three elements relative to the «mission of the Church before the Jubilee of the year 2000» which will have to be taken into special consideration over the next four years: the mission of the Church is a pilgrim towards the kingdom of God. Making ample reference to Tertio Millennio Adveniente to illustrate these three aspects, the Archbishop also underlined that the first pastoral renewal must be the religious one, in which our identity and mission is found.


A Synod towards the Jubilee

The Catholic bishops of Australia prepared a pastoral letter entitled "The arrival of the Third Millennium", in which they illustrated the sense and preparation for the Holy Year, asking the federal authorities to give space, in the year 2000, also to expressions of the "Christian dimension in Australian life" and all the population to find the place for this "Christian anniversary" in the society and culture of the country.

Also in Australia, the Synod of the Bishops of Oceania fits in well in the three year period of preparation for the Jubilee. The theme is "Jesus Christ and the peoples of Oceania: walking His path, witnessing His truth, living His life" and it will be held in Rome in 1998 following a continental consultation.

In the letter, the bishops recalled the importance of making the Jubilee year an occasion of joy and thanksgiving for the two thousand years of Christianity, united to the strong will of penance and conversion from those attitudes which, in history, can have betrayed the testimony of faith. At a general level, the Australian bishops expressed their decided support to Pope John Paul II's project to eliminate, or at least significantly reduce, the weight of the foreign debt on the Third World, along with his desire to work harder for Christian unity and inter-religious dialogue. With regard to the local reality, the Church in Australia feels it should work harder for the cause of justice, reconciliation between Australians of indigenous origins and Australians descending from European and Asian emigrants, the fight against unemployment and urban and rural poverty, according to the guidelines outlined in 1996 by the national conference "People First!" on the elimination of poverty and the decade dedicated to that theme by the United Nations.

«The year of the Great Jubilee is not only an occasion for the Catholic Church and the other Christian churches to be pleased with the great gift received by God, the gift of Jesus, and with the two thousand years of Christian history. The bishops wrote that "it is also the occasion to re-affirm the aim to serve our brothers and sisters in Australia and pray to be renewed by the Holy Spirit so that we can serve them with greater integrity and generosity. We are moving closer to this anniversary with true humility, without pretending to be perfect, seeing as we have never been so. In an occasion such as this, we become even more conscious of our responsibility to live the Gospel which we have received and to celebrate with joy the great gift that has been given to us by Jesus Christ».
