Belisario Betancur
The Synod of Bishops for America, Canada and the Caribbean ends with a collection of conclusions that fill us with hope because they concern the supernatural destiny of the American and Caribbean human being and the solution of the problems that oppress him. The bishops, guided by Pope John Paul II - the Holy Father assisted morning and evening at all the plenary sessions -, listened to the interventions of the synodal assembly and also to the interventions of lay auditors. On some occasions the language was plain, on others descriptive, nearly always a spade was called a spade, that is to say, the truth was not hidden.
The truth is that a series of situations has caused the progressive depression of the region and increased the areas were there is an accumulation of capital, while at the same time areas of poverty are growing. Economies centred exclusively on the brilliant figures of results forget the sacrifices that are hidden behind the indices of growth. Exclusive responsibilities are usually attributed to Third World leaders which exclude their own nations' situation as if it did not contain a high dose of international over-determination. We only need to think of the low prices that consumer countries pay producers - with the exception of the modern drug sickness that has to reckon with a rich demand - to realize that the international redistribution of exchange elements is always determined by capitalist areas. The globalization of the economy is an inescapable fact. But instead of being the battle between David and Goliath, it should become the possible dream that is filled with metaphysical content, that is to say, with the subordination of rigid theories to the interests of the human being, in a justly paid work, in well-being here and now.
So the Synod of Bishop put its finger on the afflictions our people suffer. It recalled the protection of mother earth. It spoke for the ethnic groups that have no voice. It called for greater dignity in politics and underlined the corruption that exists, where resources are diverted in the useless acquisition of arms instead of being devoted to the creation of riches and work.
Undoubtedly Third World societies are marked by inequalities, by enormous international monopolies that make essential services to the community more costly. We know that we are to some extent victims and executioners because we are limited by a lack of education. But we are getting over the worst problems and the synodal fathers were explicit in pointing out shortcomings and cures. In a book by the Nobel Prize-winner, Gabriel García Márques, entitled La hojarasca, the author describes a house with its doors always open, where the wind constantly blows in a pile of dry leaves, a thing that happens in the tropics because there are no seasons. The dry leaves of globalization and its favourite instrument, openness, are like this picture. Every nation must travel its own inevitable path towards globalization, but according to its own rhythm. The Orthodox do not accept it in this way because they presume that it is a further tactic for respecting the appointment with globalization. But other nations have gradually made fruitful changes that have allowed them to adapt. Doing so quickly and forcefully is inhuman and would be similar to adopting demographic theories that sacrifice one generation, with the illusion of saving others. This cannot be accepted because our responsibility is to humanize the world, not only for those who have the privilege of surviving, but also for outcasts.
So for roughly a month the Holy Father, the Bishops, auditors and experts looked for answers, and not only ecclesial answers, but also purely human answers to painful situations that find an answer in the word of the Church, which is like a shining light. We arrived at the Synod with uncertainty and sadness. We leave the Synod with hope and joy. It is a dream, it is true, but a possible dream.