SACRED CONGREGATION FOR THE DOCTRINE OF THE FAITH DECREE Decree regarding canons 1399 and 2318 no longer in force Following the publication of the “Notification” of June 14, 1966, regarding the “Index” of prohibited books, it has been requested of this Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith that canon 1399 remain in force, prohibiting certain books by law, as well as canon 2318, imposing penalties on transgressors of the law regarding the censure and prohibition of books. The questions have been submitted to the plenary Session of Wednesday, October 12, 1966, during which the Cardinal Fathers, having considered the protection of the faith, responded as follows: 1) Negative regarding the two requests relative to the validity of the ecclesiastical laws; though one must nevertheless remember the value of the moral law which absolutely prohibits endangering faith and good morals; 2) those that are under the censures mentioned in canon 2318 are considered absolved, by the fact itself of the abrogation of the canon in question. In the course of the Audience granted on November 14, 1966, to his Eminence, the Cardinal Pro-Prefect of this Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the Supreme Pontiff Paul VI approved the present decree and ordered its publication. Given in Rome from the seat of the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith on November 15, 1966. + Cardinal A. Ottaviani Pro-Prefect + P. Parente Secretary |