Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People People on the Move N° 101, August 2006 CHRISTMAS MESSAGE 2005 ON IMMIGRATION (MALTA) (Archbishop Mgr Joseph Mercieca) Our people have a big heart. The evidence of Maltese solidarity with the neighbour in need of love and assistance is one of the beautiful characteristics of our nation. This year, the heart and solidarity of the Maltese came face to face with an unusual test and experience. Certain things happened which led to a justified concern. There were moments when certain statements and attitudes that were coming from certain sectors, on how we should behave with immigrants that reach our shores, were unfortunate. There was also the emergence of certain reactions. Some extremes appeared too. There were also those who, in spite of all that the Church has been teaching and reiterating, by word and deed, on the love that we all have to show towards our neighbour, without any distinction, were perhaps thinking that the Church was not realising what was happening. This, of course, was not the case. The Church in Malta has been speaking on the love of all since a very long time. The Church speaks with her clear teaching and also with what she has been doing with and for the people concerned a commitment which, in the case or refugees and people in a refugee-like situation, has been going on since much before the appearance of the immigration phenomenon of recent years. The Church also spoke, in a far-looking way, through the Diocesan Synod. Of course, the Church can never condone certain behaviours, especially if those behind such attitudes try to interpret her teaching according to what suits them and their agenda. However, as I already had the occasion to state last February, when I spoke on the situation that was developing at that time, we should not be too hasty. We should not allow ourselves to be carried away by emotions and perceive what has happened as if our people got confused and have been gripped by racism. Racism is not Maltese blood and we should strive, especially through education, to ensure that it will never be that racism permeates the blood our people blood. |