XVIII Plenary Session of the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People, on the theme: The Migrant and Itinerant Family (Vatican City, 13 15 May 2008) |
Audience with the Holy Father |
p. 7 |
Discorso di Sua Santità Benedetto XVI |
p. 9 |
Address to the Holy Father Cardinal Renato Raffaele MARTINO |
Mass Media |
p. 13 |
Comunicato Stampa del Pontificio Consiglio |
p. 15 |
Vatican Radio Interview with Archbishop Agostino MARCHETTO (Deutsch, English, Français, Italiano, Português, Español) |
Proceedings |
p. 31 |
Atti della XVIII Sessione Plenaria |
p. 53 |
Document Final |
p. 61 |
Final Document |
p. 69 |
Documento Finale |
p. 77 |
Documento Final |
TUESDAY, 13 May 2008 Morning |
p. 87 |
Il tema della Plenaria dai nostri recenti documenti Cardinale Renato Raffaele MARTINO |
p. 101 |
La pensée, luvre et les changements au sein du Conseil Pontifical depuis la dernière Session Plénière Archevêque Agostino MARCHETTO |
p. 145 |
Migrazione e Pastorale dai Rapporti del 2007 delle Commissioni Episcopali Nazionali per la Pastorale Migratoria al Pontificio Consiglio |
p. 169 |
Situazione generale della famiglia oggi Rev. Mons. Grzegorz KASZAK |
p. 177 |
Problèmes particuliers des familles en mobilité Rev. Père Hans VÖCKING, M.Afr. |
Afternoon |
p. 193 |
La famille dans le magistère de Jean-Paul II et de Benoît XVI Rév. Mgr Jean LAFFITTE |
p. 209 |
Disintegration and/or Cohesion of the Family Institution in the Context of Migration Rev. Fr. Maurizio PETTENÁ, C.S. |
p. 221 |
Refugiados, prófugos y sus familias (en Colombia) Cardenal Pedro RUBIANO SAENZ |
p. 227 |
A Right to Family Reunification Dr. Johan KETELERS |
p. 239 |
International Students and their Families Ms. Loretto OCALLAGHAN |
p. 243 |
La Famille Tzigane et les Nouvelles Migrations Evêque Gilbert LOUIS |
WEDNESDAY, 14 May 2008 Morning |
p. 253 |
La famille des marins et des pêcheurs Mme Maria Cristina DE CASTRO GARCIA |
p. 259 |
Formen der Solidarität mit Fernfahrern Rev. Msgr. Wolfgang MIEHLE |
p. 269 |
Impegno per la reintegrazione dei ragazzi e delle donne di strada e dei senza fissa dimora nel nucleo familiare Prof. Mario POLLO |
p. 279 |
Airport Chaplaincies and the Situation of Airport Workers, Air Crews and their Families Rev. Father Michael G. ZANIOLO |
p. 283 |
Turistas y peregrinos desde el punto de vista de la familia. Celebraciones del matrimonio entre turistas Arzobispo Ramón Benito DE LA ROSA Y CARPIO |
p. 291 |
La famiglia nei circhi e lunapark: per una pastorale di frontiera Rev. Mons. Piergiorgio SAVIOLA |
p. 297 |
Religionsverschiedene Ehen Gefahren und Chancen Weihbischof Josef VOß |
Afternoon |
p. 305 |
Communion, Solidarity and Mission as a Response to the Break-up of the Family of Migrants and Itinerant People Archbishop Orlando B. QUEVEDO, O.M.I |
p. 315 |
Inter-Cultural Dialogue to the Benefit of the Members of the Family and for an Integral Life Dr. Sara SILVESTRI |
p. 327 |
Towards a Renewed Pastoral Care of the Family in the Context of Human Mobility Bishop Nicholas DIMARZIO |