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[EN - IT]



Wednesday, 4 August 2021


Mr. President,
Dear Delegates,

I would like to thank the French Government, in particular President Emmanuel Macron, as well as the Secretary-General of the United Nations, H.E.  António Guterres, for promoting this initiative in favor of Lebanon one year after the tragic explosion at the Port of Beirut that led to so many victims and caused such extensive material damage.

I would also like to thank the international community, which immediately took prompt and generous action to meet the most pressing needs of the people of Beirut affected by yet another tragedy.

The Holy See and the humanitarian agencies of the Catholic Church have offered substantial assistance in support of the victims and reconstruction efforts, particularly of homes, hospitals and schools. In fact, on several occasions, Pope Francis and the Holy See have expressed deep concern for Lebanon, which, already afflicted by a serious socio-economic and political crisis, has now found itself facing another demanding trial.

As Pope Francis recently recalled, Lebanon is a great nation that bears witness to a unique experience of peaceful coexistence over the centuries. For this reason, it cannot be left at the mercy of chance or in the hands of those who would pursue their own unscrupulous self-interest. Lebanon is more than a Country, it is a universal message of peace and fraternity arising in the Middle East [1]. Therefore, it is essential that Lebanon continue to carry out its specific vocation. For this to happen, the commitment of everyone, both inside and outside the country, is necessary. It is, therefore, essential that “those in power choose finally and decisively to work for true peace and not for their own interests. Let there be an end to the few profiting from the sufferings of many![2]

Let us help Lebanon to find its way out of this serious crisis! Let us help its people not to lose hope, and let us give the Lebanese a chance to be the protagonists of a better future in their land without undue interference. Indeed, just today, at the end of the General Audience, the Holy Father, Pope Francis, while referring to the present Conference, made an appeal to the International Community asking it to assist Lebanon to resume a path of “resurrection”, with concrete gestures.

The Holy See hopes that the present meeting, by helping the country economically, will foster the conditions necessary to prevent Lebanon from sinking further into crisis, allowing it to start out on a path to recovery and an ascent that will be for the benefit of all.

Thank you.


[1] Address of His Holiness Pope Francis at the conclusion of the ecumenical prayer, “The Lord God has plans for peace. Together for Lebanon, 1 July 2021.