Statement by H.E. Archbishop Paul Richard Gallagher,
Secretary for Relations with States and International Organizations of the Holy
at the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development
under the
auspices of the General Assembly
18 – 19 September 2023
Leaders’ Dialogue 6
“Mobilizing finance and investments and the means of implementation for SDG
Mr. Co-moderator,
In his address to the General Assembly on 25 September 2015, Pope Francis
described the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development as “an
important sign of hope.” [1] At
the same time, he warned about the danger of resting “content with the
bureaucratic exercise of drawing up long lists of good proposals – goals,
objectives and statistics.”[2] Halfway to 2030, the type of hope that the international community is called to
keep alive and deliver on is an active one: a hope that “makes things happen and
is life-changing.”[3]
In this regard, this SDG Summit must not serve as a platform for abstract declarations that
simply “assuage our consciences,”[4]
rather, we must use it to scale up efforts and accelerate progress to “shift the
world on to a sustainable and resilient path.”[5] This means, first and foremost, taking concrete actions to address the greatest
challenges of our time, in particular war and conflict, poverty and hunger,
violence, social exclusion, climate change and environmental degradation, and
the pervasive “throwaway culture”[6]
in the name of which, “persons are no longer seen as a paramount value to be
cared for and respected, especially when poor or disabled,” and are discarded as
“ ‘not yet useful’ – like the unborn, or ‘no longer needed’ – like the elderly.”[7]
Progressing on the sustainable and resilient path we have embarked on in 2015
also requires forward-looking measures that see beyond immediate benefits and
focus on “the kind of world we are leaving to future generations,”[8]
“its general direction, its meaning and its values.”[9]
In this regard, the implementation of the 2030 Agenda is not simply a matter of
mobilizing more resources and designing more effective tools to overcome the
many technical challenges that the achievement of the Sustainable Development
Goals entails. Instead, it is primarily a matter of committing to and delivering
on a new model of development that has the human person at its center, is geared
towards the common good, and grounded in ethical principles of justice,
solidarity, and shared responsibility.
In conclusion, the Holy See is of the view that the success of this SDG Summit
and ultimately of our journey towards a future in which the inherent dignity of
every person is respected, the needs of the poor and those in vulnerable
situations are met, and a harmonious relationship with the environment is
restored, depends on our genuine commitment towards multilateralism “as the
expression of a renewed sense of global co-responsibility, a solidarity grounded
in justice and the attainment of peace and unity within the human family.”[10]
Thank you, Mr. Co-moderator.
[1] Pope Francis,
Address to the seventieth session of United Nations General
Assembly, 25 September 2015.
[2] Ibid.
[3] Pope Benedict XVI, Encyclical Letter,
Spe Salvi, 2.
[4] Pope Francis,
Address to the seventieth session of United Nations General
Assembly, 25 September 2015.
[5] A/RES/70/1, preamble.
[6] Pope Francis, Encyclical Letter,
Fratelli Tutti, 18.
[7] Ibid.
[8] Pope Francis, Encyclical Letter,
Laudato si’, 159.
[9] Ibi, 160.
[10] Pope Francis,
Address to the seventieth session of United Nations General
Assembly, 25 September 2020.