Statement by His Excellency Archbishop Paul Gallagher,
Secretary for Relations with States and International Organizations of the Holy
at the UN High-level Meeting to Commemorate the International
Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons
New York, 26 September 2023
Mr. President,
Thank you for this opportunity to address the moral imperative to eliminate
nuclear weapons. Regrettably, the risk of nuclear war is at its highest in
generations, featuring unconscionable threats of nuclear use, while an arms race
runs unabated. As States squander resources needed for pressing development
concerns on nuclear weapons, they have abandoned much of the arms control and
disarmament architechture that underpins international security. In such a
context, it is clear that nuclear-weapon States are increasing reliance on
nuclear deterrence, rather than meeting obligations under Article VI of the
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).
The world must reverse course. Pope Francis insists that, “the ultimate goal of
the total elimination of nuclear weapons becomes both a challenge and a moral
and humanitarian imperative.”[1] The
Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) provides some direction. The
Holy See hopes that the Second Meeting of States Parties (2MSP) will agree on
further steps to advance verification and positive obligations building on the
Vienna Action Plan. The Holy See reiterates its hope that, irrespective of their
positions on the TPNW, States reliant on nuclear deterrence will contribute to
these efforts.
States must also reinvigorate other nuclear disarmament measures, including the
adoption of no-first-use policies, a revival of bilateral arms control
processes, the entry-into-force of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT)
and the start of negotiations on treaties on fissile material and negative
security assurances.
Mr. President,
Nuclear weapons offer a false sense of security based on “a mentality of fear”
that risks catastrophic humanitarian and environmental consequences.[2]
Achieving the total elimination of nuclear weapons requires a collective
response based on mutual trust. The International community must continue to
explore ways to enhance cooperative security toward that end.
Thank you, Mr. President.