D E C R E E OF THE APOSTOLIC PENITENTIARY according to which Special Indulgences are granted RIO DE JANEIRO DECREE
The Plenary Indulgence is granted on the occasion of the 28th World Youth Day to be celebrated in Rio de Janeiro during the Year of Faith. The Holy Father Francis, desiring that young people, in union with the spiritual aims of the Year of Faith proclaimed by Pope Benedict XVI, might obtain the hoped-for fruits of holiness from the 28th World Youth Day to be celebrated from 22 to 29 of the coming month of July in Rio de Janeiro, whose theme is: “Go and make disciples of all nations (cf. Mt 28:19)”, at the Audience granted to the undersigned Cardinal Major Penitentiary on 3 June, expressing the maternal heart of the Church, from the Treasury of the rewards of Our Lord Jesus Christ, of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary and of all the Saints, has permitted that the youth and all the faithful who are properly prepared may receive the gift of the Indulgences as follows: a) — the Plenary Indulgence, obtainable once a day is granted on the usual conditions (sacramental confession, Eucharistic communion and prayer for the Supreme Pontiff’s intentions). It may also be applied by way of suffrage for the souls of deceased faithful and for faithful who are truly repentant and contrite who will devoutly participate in the sacred rites and exercises of devotion that will take place in Rio de Janeiro. Those faithful who are legitimately prevented may obtain the Plenary Indulgence as long as, having fulfilled the usual conditions — spiritual, sacramental and of prayer — with the intention of filial submission to the Roman Pontiff, they participate in spirit in the sacred functions on the specific days, and as long as they follow these same rites and devotional practices via television and radio or, always with the proper devotion, through the new means of social communication; b) — the Partial Indulgence is granted to those faithful, wherever they may be during the above-mentioned meeting, every time, at least with a contrite heart, that they raise fervent prayers to God, concluding with the official World Youth Day Prayer, and devout invocations to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Brazil, under her title of “Nossa Senhora da Conceiçao Aparecida”, as well as to the other Patrons and Intercessors of this same meeting so that they encourage the young people to be strengthened in the faith and to lead a holy life. Then in order that the faithful may more easily share in these heavenly gifts, the priests legitimately approved for hearing sacramental confession, should receive these faithful with a ready and generous heart, and suggest to them public prayers for the success of the World Youth Day itself. The present Decree is valid for this event. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary. Given in Rome, at the Seat of the Apostolic Penitentiary, 24 June, in the Year of the Lord 2013, on the Solemnity of St John the Baptist.
Major Penitentiary Mons. Krzysztof Nykiel