Hall of Blessings
Monday, 23 October 2006
Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,
I warmly greet all of you who have come to Rome to celebrate solemnly the 25th anniversary of the John Paul II Foundation.
I thank Cardinal Stanisław Dziwisz, Metropolitan of Krakow, for the words he has just addressed to me. I welcome Cardinal Adam Maida and all the Archbishops and Bishops present here. I greet the Foundation's Council with its President, Archbishop Szczepan Wesoły, the directors of its individual institutions and the presidents and members of the Circles of Friends of the Foundation who have come from various countries of the world.
I am glad to be able to offer hospitality today to the representatives of those people throughout the world who devote themselves to keeping alive the memory of John Paul II and of his teaching and the apostolic work he carried out during his Pontificate. It must be said that this is a truly promising commitment for it is not only concerned with archiving or research but indeed touches on the mystery of the holiness of the Servant of God.
Thanks to your spiritual and financial support, the Foundation continues the activity described by its Statutes in the cultural and scientific as well as social and pastoral fields.
It collects documentation concerning John Paul II's Pontificate and examines and disseminates the teaching of the Pope and of the Church's Magisterium, networking and collaborating with Polish and international centres of science and art. This commitment by the Foundation has acquired new significance since the Pontiff's death.
The collection of the Papal Writings and the rich documentation of the Holy See's activity, as well as the Pope's literary works and comments presented in the social communications media, indisputably constitute a complete and well-organized archive and form the basis for a detailed and thorough study of the spiritual legacy of John Paul II.
Precisely because the study of the Pontificate is of the first importance, I wish to emphasize this aspect of the Foundation's work today: the study of the Pontificate. John Paul II, a philosopher and theologian and a great Pastor of the Church, has bequeathed to us a wealth of writings and actions that express his desire to spread Christ's Gospel throughout the world, using the methods indicated by the Second Vatican Council and marking out the paths of the Church's development in the new millennium. These precious gifts cannot be forgotten.
Today, dear members and friends of the John Paul II Foundation, I entrust to you the task of examining the richness of his message more deeply and revealing it to the generations to come.
Lastly, an especially important task is to offer help to young people, particularly those from Central and Eastern Europe, so that they can attain the necessary standard of instruction in the different branches of knowledge.
My thanks go to all those who in these past 25 years have supported the Foundation's activity in various ways and to those who have directed this activity with wisdom and dedication. I ask you to persevere in this good work. May it continue to develop and may your joint efforts, sustained by God's help, continue to produce magnificent fruit.
Thank you for coming and for this meeting. God bless you!
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