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Third Sunday of Lent, 27 February 2005


Archbishop Leonardo Sandri, Substitute of the Secretariat of State, read the Holy Father's Address to pilgrims gathered in St Peter's Square. He also led the recitation of the Angelus and imparted the final Blessing on behalf of the Pope. The Holy Father himself greeted and blessed pilgrims from a window at Gemelli Hospital.

1. Once again, dear brothers and sisters, I address you from the "Agostino Gemelli Polyclinic". I warmly thank you and feel you all close to me in spirit. I think of you, individuals and groups who are gathered today in St Peter's Square, and all those from all over the world who are concerned about me. I ask that you continue to assist me, especially with your prayers.

2. The penitential season of Lent that we are living helps us to understand better the value of suffering, which in one way or another touches us all. It is in looking at Christ and following him with patient trust that we are able to understand how every human form of suffering contains a divine promise of salvation and joy. I desire that this message of comfort and hope reaches everyone, especially those who are going through difficult moments and to those who suffer in body and in spirit.

3. To Mary, Mother of the Church, I once again entrust myself: Totus tuus! May she help us to fulfil God's will in every moment of life.



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