Message au Président de la République du COSTA RICA,
S.E.M. Oscar ARIAS SANCHEZ, à l'occasion de la rencontre
des Présidents des Pays d'Amérique centrale*
On the occasion of the coming meeting of the Presidents of the Central American nations in San Jose de Costa Rica in a period of new tensions and painful conflicts in this region, I want to express my fervent wishes that this meeting will contribute through a sincere and constructive dialogue to finding again the path of peace which began some time ago with hopeful prospects, and will lay the bases for a more effective collaboration, with the rejection of violence, with mutual respect among nations and the social and political groups of each country, as well as for the protection of life and the fundamental rights of every human person.
Upon the work of the meeting and all the beloved people of Central America, who always desire a lasting peace in justice and harmony, I invoke the constant protection of Jesus Christ, Prince of Peace, and I cordially impart to all a special Apostolic Blessing.
9 décembre 1989
*L'Osservatore Romano. Weekly Edition in English n. 51/52 p.8.
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