Thursday, 17 November 1983
Mr Ambassador,
I am happy to extend a cordial welcome to Your Excellency as I receive from you the Letters accrediting you as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United Republic of Tanzania. It is a pleasure for me to receive the courteous greeting that you bring from His Excellency President Nyerere, and I willingly reciprocate those good wishes.
Prompted by the words of your address, I wish to state once again the Catholic Church’s perennial concern for proclaiming in word and deed the message of truth and freedom, of justice and peace, with which she has been entrusted by her Divine Founder. Her service to humanity is one that complements the work of governments which labour to ensure the common good. The Church seeks to promote moral progress and spiritual growth at every level of society, so that every individual may enjoy to the full that noble human dignity which has Almighty God as its author. Thus the Church bears witness to the true meaning of existence and, in so doing, seeks to be an agent of justice, reconciliation and peace among all people.
In this context, I deeply appreciate what you have said of your country’s resolve to pursue the goals of peace, freedom and justice, at both the national and international levels. I hold the conviction that peace is possible precisely because every man, woman and child shares a common history and pursues the same goal of happiness.
Those who aspire to be peacemakers today must accept the challenge of endeavouring to foster attitudes which choose peace instead of violence and which promote respect for every individual’s spiritual dignity.
Mr Ambassador, in undertaking your responsibilities your will have a unique opportunity to promote harmony, peace and understanding among nations. Your special charge will be to nurture the relationship of friendship and cooperation that exists between Tanzania and the Holy See. As you carry out this task, you may be assured of my prayers for the success of your mission.
May God bless you and your work.
*AAS 76 (1984), p. 405-406.
Insegnamenti di Giovanni Paolo II, vol. VI, 2 pp. 1098-1099.
L’Osservatore Romano 18.11.1983 p.1.
L'Osservatore Romano. Weekly Edition in English n.51 p.4.
© Copyright 1983 - Libreria Editrice Vaticana
Copyright © Dicastero per la Comunicazione - Libreria Editrice Vaticana