Monday, 9 June 1986
Dear Friends,
I am happy to meet you, pilgrims from far-away Indonesia. I welcome you to the Vatican and I appreciate your desire to have this opportunity to manifest your spiritual union with the See of Peter.
I wish to encourage you to cooperate actively and joyfully with your pastors and teachers in the faith in the task of building up the Church as a true community of grace and fellowship. Our Lord Jesus Christ is the cornerstone . Your first great work, then, is to open your hearts to him in prayer and through the sacraments, especially the Eucharist and the Sacrament of Penance. In this way Christ himself will be the source of peace and strength for you and your families, and for your parish, through the Holy Spirit whom he pours into your hearts .
You need this strength in order to fulfil the mission which Christ entrusts to you: to bear witness to him by authentic Christian living, that is, to imbue your family and social lives with the spirit of the Gospel.
I gladly commend you to the intercession of Mary, Mother of the Church, who is our outstanding example of faith and discipleship. May she accompany you and watch over you always.
And may Almighty God send his blessings upon you and upon your country.
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