(AUGUST 8-16, 1993)
Cherry Creek State Park, Denver
Sunday, 15 August 1993
The time has come for us to say goodbye, until we meet again.
I wish to thank all those unnamed people, the members of the police, the fire–department, the citizens of Denver, who have been our hosts and helpers during the "World Youth Day".
I also mention Archbishop Stafford and all the volunteers of the Church here in Denver who have worked for months to prepare this Day. Our gratitude goes to the local radio stations and the translators who have made it possible to follow the "World Youth Day" in the principal languages, to everyone in radio and television who are bringing "World Youth Day" to audiences in many countries.
My gratitude goes to Cardinal Pironio and the Pontifical Council for the Laity, who are responsible for organizing the "World Youth Day" at the international level.
To Archbishop Keeler, President of the Bishops’ Conference and all the Bishops for their cooperation: thanks to the whole Church in the United States. To Archbishop Keeler, President of the Bishops’ Conference, and Monsignor Lynch and all their staff, to all the Cardinals and the Bishops for their cooperation. Thanks to the whole Church in the United States. A special thanks to all the Cardinals and Bishops who have become pilgrims together with their young people from all the continents. The "World Youth Day" has been a great event, and there has been a wonderful exchange of spiritual gifts and experiences between all the young people present. For all of this we must give praise and thanks to God. I wish to express my deepest and warm appreciation to the representatives of the other Churches: Christian Churches and Communities, as well as to the representatives of the various religious traditions who have taken such an active part in "World Youth Day".
In Spanish:
¡Cómo no agradecer a esa parte de la Iglesia en Estados Unidos que habla español la gran participación de jóvenes en este encuentro! Y a todos los que han llegado de México, de América Central, de América del Sur, de España. Dios sea alabado por vuestra fe, vuestra generosidad y vuestra voluntad de vivir de la vida que Cristo os da. Llevad el saludo entrañable del Papa a vuestras familias, a vuestros amigos, a los pueblos y naciones de donde venís.
In French:
Au terme de cette rencontre, vous tous, jeunes pèlerins de langue française, je vous salue cordialement et je vous confie au Seigneur, avec l’immense espérance que ce temps fort de partage et de prière à Denver contribue à raviver sans cesse votre engagement et votre mission d’annoncer l’Evangile à tous les jeunes de vos différents pays. Que l’Esprit Saint poursuive en vous son œuvre! Que Dieu vous bénisse et vous garde sous sa constante protection!
In German:
Einen herzlichen Grub richte ich an Euch, liebe deutschsprachige Pilger, die Ihr nach Denver gekommen seid. Wenn Ihr jetzt in die Heimat zurückkehrt und Euch den Herausforderungen des Alltags stellen mübt, besinnt Euch auf die in diesen Tagen gewonnenen Erkenntnisse. Vor allem denkt daran, dab Christus der wahre Quell des Lebens, der Freude und der Glückseligkeit ist. Gebt diese Überzeugung Euren Mitmenschen weiter. Arbeitet am Aufbau einer Zivilisation, die alle Menschen achtet. Durch die Gnade Christi seid Zeugen der Frohbotschaft des Heils.
In Portuguese:
A todos os jovens de expressão portuguesa: " Adeus! Até à próxima! ". Nesta minha despedida, quero encorajar–vos a que vos torneis sempre mais verdadeiros apóstolos e missionários da Boa Nova de Jesus Cristo. Eu espero que levareis convosco o entusiasmo de um novo compromisso ao serviço da Igreja e do desenvolvimento humano dos vossos irmãos e irmãs. Louvado seja Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo!
In Polish:
Drodzy Młodzi Rodacy! W czasie Światowego Dnia Młodzieży w Denver rozważaliście wspólnie ze swymi kolegami słowa Chrystusa: “Ja przyszedłem po to, aby miały życie i miały je w obfitości” (Io. 10, 10). W słowach tych Chrystus odpowiada na najgłębsze pragnienie ludzkiego serca. Każda i każdy z Was pragnie życia, i to życia “w obfitości”. Otwierajcie się więc coraz bardziej na ten Chrystusowy dar! Dzielcie się nim z innymi! Badźcie autentycznymi apostołami życia, które przyniósł Chrystus! Nasza Ojczyzna, która przeżywa okres historycznych przemian, takich apostołów życia bardzo potrzebuje!
Kończy się Światowy Dzień Młodzieży, a dla Was – jego uczestników – rozpoczyna się misja, którą powierza Wam Chrystus. On na Was liczy. Tym, co tu przeżyliście, dzielcie się ze swymi kolegami i koleżankami w środowiskach, w których żyjecie, uczycie się czy pracujecie. Na tym apostolskim szlaku niech Wam towarzyszy opieka i wstawiennictwo Maryi, którą czcimy jako Królową Apostołów.
I have spoken too much. But you are many and I thank you. I thank you with all my heart. I thank you for being here, for receiving from Christ – you are here for Christ! – you received from him life, abundant life.We all have celebrated, participated in the Eucharist. What is the Eucharist? Christ has given us life, his life, divine life, the pilgrim life – he was a pilgrim. He was a man – divine life, he is the Son of God.
He gives us his life, his divine life, his eternal life. But he not only gives us his life, he also receives every one of us. We are accepted by him. That is communion: Christ is communion, Eucharist is sacrifice and Eucharist is communion.
We receive him, but he receives us and that is life, the full human life, the sacramental life, but that is also the future life, eternal life.
Thank you, Lord Jesus Christ, for life.
Thank you for all of us; I say it again, thank you, thank you for the life you gave us and that you are giving us, you are permitting us. Thank you through your Mother, Our Lady. In the day of her Assumption, thank you, Jesus Christ, the Son of the Eternal Father. In the name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
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