
Speeches 1960

  • To the members of the Tribunal of the Sacred Roman Rota (October 25, 1960)

    [ Italian  - Spanish ]

  • Address to the President of the Republic of Argentina (June 18, 1960)

    [ French  - Spanish ]

  • To Spanish pilgrims on the occasion of the canonization of blessed Juan de Ribera (June 12, 1960)

    [ Spanish ]

  • Address concerning the preparation, objectives and hopes of the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council (June 5, 1960)

    [ Spanish ]

  • To the Consistory concerning the canonization of Juan de Ribera (May 30, 1960)

    [ Latin  - Spanish ]

  • To pilgrims gathered in the Congress for the canonization of Blessed Gregory Barbarigo in Rome (May 26, 1960)

    [ Italian  - Spanish ]

  • To students of the Secondary Schools of Rome (May 19, 1960)

    [ Italian  - Spanish ]

  • To participants in the 12th Congress of the International College of Surgeons (May 16, 1960)

    [ French  - Spanish ]

  • To the International Union of Institutes of Archaeology, History and Art History (May 14, 1960)

    [ French  - Spanish ]

  • To members of the Intergovernmental Committee for European Migrations (May 7, 1960)

    [ French  - Spanish ]

  • To participants in the Tenth International Conference organized by FAO (May 3, 1960)

    [ French  - Spanish ]

  • To participants in the 14th Italian Congress of the Confederation of Farmers (April 27, 1960)

    [ Italian  - Spanish ]

  • To the World Union for the Protection of Infancy and Adolescence and to various groups of pilgrims (April 24, 1960)

    [ Spanish ]

  • To the participants in the World Young Women's Christian Association (April 23, 1960)

    [ French  - Spanish ]

  • To the International Council of Pax Christi Movement (April 19, 1960)

    [ Spanish ]

  • To members of the Eucharistic Movement from France (April 16, 1960)

    [ French  - Spanish ]

  • To participants in the Tenth Study Session of the Public Health Committee of the Western European Union (April 12, 1960)

    [ French  - Spanish ]

  • To the first Ambassador of Turkey to the Holy See (April 11, 1960)

    [ French  - Spanish ]
