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11 - 25 October 1967


Beloved Sons and Venerable Brothers,

At the cost of no little sacrifice to yourselves and to your A Dioceses, you have most willingly come to attend the Sessions of the Synod of Bishops, and to place at Our disposal the fruits of your pastoral experience and missionary wisdom.

From Our heart, We thank you all, and We pray that Our blessed Saviour may reward you with His choicest graces. Our prayer also rises to the Throne of Mercy, that God may bless your peoples with His gift of peace and harmony, so that they may collaborate frankly and lovingly for their spiritual, moral and material progress.

In pledge of such divine benevolence and guidance, We gladly bestow upon you; upon all the Members of the numerous Episcopal Conferences whom you represent, upon the priests, religious and faithful people confided to your zealous care, Our special fatherly Apostolic Benediction.

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Beloved Sons and Venerable Brothers,

From the ends of the earth you have come at Our request, to counsel and assist Ut in the important work of the Synod of Bishops, and with all Our heart We assure you of Our warm thanks.

No matter how great the geographical distance with separates your peoples from this Holy See, you and they are most close to Our paternal heart, and We keep you all in Our daily prayers. We invoke upon the beloved peoples of your countries abundant graces and favours from God, asking you to bring back to each of your priests, religious and faithful people the affectionate greetings and affectionate good wishes of the Successor of Peter.

In pledge of heavenly guidance in peaceful prosperity and orderly progress, Me lovingly bestow upon you, upon all the Most Reverend Ordinaries whom you represent, and upon the souls committed to your pastoral direction, Our fatherly Apostolic Blessing.


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