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Saturday, 5 July 1969


The 34th session of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s Defence College has just concluded, and, before returning to your own countries in Europe and America, you have desired, like your predecessors, to come to greet Us and to have Our Apostolic Blessing, together with some words of encouragement.

As you know, Our desire is to see Peace consolidated wherever it is at present weak, to see it take root wherever it is at present tragically wanting. And that Peace cannot exist except in a climate of justice, and liberty, in the service of which you wish to put the power and the authority you represent, in seeking the common good of your national communities, without forgetting the common good of mankind at large, the members of which now feel closer and closer to each other. We take pleasure in the thought that the technical skills which you acquire here and the contacts from which you have benefited, will help you in this noble task wherever you will be stationed. We take great pleasure in reminding you of Our Lord's words: "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the ‘children of God". May these words enlighten our way.

We have the very best wishes for you and We wholeheartedly implore the graces of light and courage which you need, for each one of you, your families, your leaders and all who are dear to you. We likewise impart to you Our Apostolic Blessing.

*ORa n°29 p.7.


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