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Saturday, 10 March 1973


Australia - Melbourne

We are most happy to welcome you, dear Cardinal Knox, and to greet those who have accompanied you to the Consistory. These have been wonderful days for the Church of Melbourne.

We have learnt with pleasure of the grace-filled moments of the Eucharistic Congress. We know that it was a time of joy for you and for your people. Now you have come to Rome and have been made a Cardinal of the Catholic Church. This too is a great happiness for you and for your people. We pray that all may see that both events have the same purpose, to testify to the goodness of God and the beauty of brotherhood among men. We rejoice with you and with your people and we thank God for the consolation which is in your hearts after the days of the Congress and the days of the Consistory. To you, to those who have come with you and to all in your pastoral care we impart our special Apostolic Blessing.

Australia - Sydney

Our greetings and the peace of Christ we extend to you, dear Cardinal Freeman, and to those who have come with you for the Consistory. You have been made a Cardinal of the Catholic Church. We are sure that this has been a source of joy to you and we know that your people rejoice with you. We pray that all may see in this honour a sign of the affection we have for you and for the whole Archdiocese of Sydney. We recall with particular pleasure our visit to your land, which is so far away from us yet so close to our heart. It is one of the very reasons why we have chosen you, to testify to all men that, among the children of God and the brothers and sisters of Christ, miles cannot separate what grace has united. May your new dignity speak the message of love and unity to your people; may they see in your elevation a meaningful sign of the love for them which is in the heart of the Vicar of Christ. To you, to our venerable brother and dear friend, Cardinal Gilroy, to those who have accompanied you in pilgrimage and to all in your pastoral care we impart our special Apostolic Blessing.


We are pleased to greet you, dear Cardinal Otunga, and to welcome those who have come with you to the Consistory. You have been chosen to be a Cardinal of the Church, not only to honour you as a person and a Pastor, but also to show our affection for the beloved people of Africa and of Kenya in particular. The honour which has come to you is a sign of the maturity of the Church in your country, a testimony to the labours of those who have brought the Gospel message to your people and a pledge of even greater strides to be made in the name of Christ among those who are your brothers, our brothers, brothers of Christ himself. We hope that you will take back to Kenya many pleasant memories of these days. Even more, we hope that you will carry with you the message of unity and love which you have seen here at the See of Peter. To you, to those who have come with you and to all in your pastoral care we are happy to impart our special Apostolic Blessing.


Frère bien-aimé, Notre joie de vous accueillir surpasse nos humbles paroles. Votre personne, les prêtres et les diocésains de Brazzaville qui vous entourent, sont un signe tellement réconfortant de la continuelle et mystérieuse croissance du Corps du Christ qu’est l’Eglise. Si les méritants Pasteurs qui vous ont précédé, si les premières communautés chrétiennes du Congo, à peine centenaires, avaient participé aux mémorables cérémonies du récent Consistoire, ils auraient été à la fois étonnés et enthousiasmés de voir le jeune Archevêque de Brazzaville déjà agrégé au Collège cardinalice, et l’Eglise d’Afrique si visiblement participante aux responsabilités du Pasteur universel.

Permettez-Nous de vous encourager à nouveau, Monsieur le Cardinal, ainsi que votre communauté diocésaine ici représentée, à poursuivre dans l’espérance, le travail d’Evangélisation si prometteur que vous accomplissez très courageusement. L’heure est à l’unité et à l’amour au sein du corps épiscopal, au sein des communautés chrétiennes, l’heure est à l’action patiente et harmonieusement conjuguée des Pasteurs et des fidèles. La crédibilité de l’Evangile est à ce prix. Nous sommes certain que vous comblerez notre espérance qui est celle du Christ-Sauveur.

Avant que vous repreniez ensemble le chemin de l’Afrique, pour témoigner avec humilité et avec force de tout ce que vous avez vu et entendu près du tombeau des Apôtres, Nous vous accordons de tout cœur une particulière Bénédiction Apostolique.


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