To His Excellency Mr SOLEIMAN FRANGIE President of the Lebanese Republic
We are anxious to express to Your Excellency, the Government and the whole Lebanese People our deep sadness and concern at the sanguinary events continuing in your country.
It seems to us that the risk has become very great of seeing the edifice of the Lebanese nation collapse. This edifice was raised so lovingly by generations of sons and had reached an exemplary stage of brotherhood and collaboration between communities different, it is true, as regards their origin and characteristics, but united in intense activity, love of their country and attachment to moral and spiritual values.
In view of the very deep affection we have always borne towards Lebanon, we cannot refrain from addressing to everyone, in God’s name, an urgent appeal to lay down fratricidal arms once and for all and to solve their differences in mutual comprehension and brotherly dialogue.
We are not ignorant of the problems that face the populations and rulers of Lebanon, in the difficult situation of the country and of the region. As the supreme Pastor of the Catholic Church, we felt great satisfaction on seeing the Christian Community, led by its worthy leaders, undertake to contribute to the solution of these problems. It has promoted and developed conversations with the Authorities and their fellow countrymen of Moslem religion, in order to foster the economic, moral, social and political progress of the country.
The Holy See, on its side, while supporting the efforts that the leaders of the parties concerned are endeavouring to make to ensure justice for the Palestinian people, forms good wishes for the safety of Lebanon, in respect of its sovereignty and in independence from all exterior interference.
But all friendly support will be vain unless the Lebanese themselves renounce, generously and clear-sightedly, fighting and destruction, and undertake to solve their disagreements by sincere and rapid negotiations.
We cannot conclude this message without assuring the Lebanon that it will never lack our support in order that its growth and development may take place in an atmosphere of peace and serenity. This is the subject of our continual and pressing supplication to the Almighty. To all sons of Lebanon and their rulers, in particular Your Excellency and the members of the Government, we wish, in the Lord’s name, the gifts of wisdom and concord so that the land of Lebanon may begin to prosper once more, for the good of the Middle East and of the whole world.
From the Vatican, 3 November 1975.
*ORa n.48 p.2.
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