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Friday, 28 May 1976


It is with honour and esteem that we extend our welcome to Cardinal Lawrence Trevor Picachy. The Church in Calcutta and the people of all India are present today in our thoughts.

You have come in order to form part of the Sacred College of Cardinals: and you have come as another representative of the culture, civilization and wisdom of India. Above all, you have come as the worthy pastor of the Church of Calcutta, bringing with you “the joy and hope, the grief and anguish” (Gaudium et Spes, 1) of your people.

And we believe that the concern and pastoral solicitude of your ministry find support and help in the unity that we are experiencing in Christ. Indeed, it is the communion of the universal Church that we pledge ourselves anew to a mission of love and of genuine service to our brethren-a service that takes account of their human dignity and of their supernatural destiny. We want you to know we are close to you as you confront, with deep insight and devotion, the problems inherent in your ministry as Archbishop of Calcutta and as President of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India. On our part, we are fully convinced of the transforming and uplifting power of God’s truth.

Our recognition and our gratitude go in a special way to all who have laboured so generously for the building up of the ecclesial community in Northeastern India; for all of these priests, religious and laity we express deep affection and paternal love.

We send our respectful greetings to all the authorities and people of your country-that beloved country where we ourself were once received with honour, and upon which we invoke the blessings of genuine progress and true happiness.

Address to Cardinal Thiandoum and his family:

Nous vous accueillons avec joie ce matin, vous tous qui êtes Venus accompagner notre cher Cardinal Thiandoum. Nous saluons d’abord cordialement la mission officielle, conduite par Son Excellence Monsieur Amadou Cissé Dia, Président de l’Assemblee nationale, qui a represent6 le Gouvernement de la Republique du Sénégal ainsi que son Président, Son Excellence Monsieur Leopold Sédar Senghor, a l’occasion de la promotion du premier cardinal de votre pays. Et vous tous, chers pèlerins et amis, Nous sommes heureux de vous voir si nombreux et de vous dire notre affection et notre estime. C’est un honneur, certes, pour l’Eglise du Sénégal, d’avoir à sa tête un des nouveaux cardinaux; mais c’est surtout une grande responsabilité, pour le Cardinal Thiandoum, qui le sait bien, mais aussi pour tous nos fils du Sénégal: les chrétiens ne doivent jamais oublier que le service de l’Evangile leur est confie. Nous savons que c’est ainsi que vous comprenez votre mission, celle du levain dans la pâte. C’est pourquoi Nous vous donnons de grand cœur notre bénédiction, pendant que Nous demandons au Dieu Tout-Puissant d’exaucer les vœux que Nous formons pour tout le peuple du Sénégal, que Nous avons la joie de saluer dans ses représentants.

To Cardinal Razafimahatratra:

Vénéré Frère, chers Fils de Madagascar, quelle joie de passer, ce matin, un moment avec vous! Nous voulons vous ouvrir notre cœur et vous dire l’affection que Nous éprouvons pour tous les catholiques de la Grande Ile, qui font notre fierté par leur enthousiasme, la qualité de leur foi, et leur générosité dans la contribution au développement du pays. Madagascar a perdu il y a quelques mois son cher Cardinal. Elle en reçoit un autre, sur lequel Nous savons pouvoir compter pour Nous aider à gouverner l’Eglise universelle.

En rentrant dans votre pays, vous porterez aux Autorités de l’Etat nos respectueuses salutations, et vous transmettrez aussi nos encouragements et nos vœux a tous vos frères, au clergé et aux fidèles, avec notre particulière Bénédiction Apostolique.

To Cardinal Ekandem and his family:

We are happy to greet our venerable brother, Cardinal Dominic Ekandem.

This is an historic moment for Nigeria; an historic moment for Africa. In you we honour the entire Church in your country. In you we embrace, in the unity of Christ, the beloved clergy, religious and laity of your land. We express our esteem and love for you. We want you to know of our deep joy at seeing how charity has taken root in your hearts and how-to the glory of your Father in heaven-you have brought forth the fruits of good works in your Christian lives (Cfr. Matth. 5, 16). We render homage to your ancestors who opened their hearts to the word of God. In the name of the Lord, we thank the generations of missionaries-past and present-who, by divine grace, have been instrumental in bringing to you the inestimable treasure of faith.

Through you we send our greetings to the authorities and to all the people of Nigeria. We ask you to take our words, into your churches, into your schools and into your homes. Our affection encompasses the old and the young, the sick, the suffering, the poor.

We pray that integral development may be ever more the lot of all your people and “that the Lord’s message may spread quickly, and be received with honour . . . ” (2 Thess. 3, 1). And may the peace of Christ dwell in your hearts today and for ever.

God bless Nigeria!

To Cardinal Lorscheider and his family:

Senhor Cardeal e queridos peregrinos do Brasil,

Queremos manifestar grato apreço, por esta selecta e numerosa representação do dilecto Brasil, hoje aqui, a testemunhar a sua fé e devoção à sé Apóstolica e ao Vigário de Cristo, e fazendo coroa, corn amizade e entusiasmo, ao Senhor Dom Aloísio Lorscheider, neste evento festivo, a que também as Excelentíssimas Autoridades do País quiseram associar-se, do Consistório em que o criamos Cardeal da Santa Igreja.

A todos saudamos con grande estima. E, ao saudar em particular o Senhor Cardeal, coma membro do Sacro Colégio, queremos renovar-lhe todo o Nosso apreço e complacência, pela sua dedicata actividade de sacerdote e de Bispo, em plano diocesano, national e eclesial, nas iniciativas e organizações em favor da Igreja na America Latina e nos Organismos centrais da Santa Sé. O Nosso estimulante bem haja!

Urn Nosso benevolente saudar, depois, vai para os seus entes queridos, e neles para as famílias crists brasileiras; para a sua Ordem religiosa e, por ela, para os beneméritos religiosos em Terra de Santa Cruz; para os zelosos Irmãos Bispos, a cuja Conferência preside, para o Clero, laicado comprometido e todo o Povo de Deus no Brasil.

E um pensamento particular queremos ter para a sua dilecta Arquidiocese de Fortaleza, em festa; ela è, neste momento, símbolo e chamada, ao mesmo tempo, da Igreja no Brasil: símbolo, pela sua fé arraigada e tradicional religiosidade; e chamada, porque no Nordeste brasileiro. Ela tem a tarefa de responder ao desafio que Ihe lança um empenho e surto de progresso integral, e tão promissor, da Nação que integra. E sabemos que Fortaleza, com o seu Pastor, quer responder cristãmente a tal desafio.

Fazemos votos de que a participação de todos no procurar o crescente e comum bem-estar siga e cultive, em equilibrada, serena e concorde vivência, as coordenadas do reino de Deus: verdade, santidade e graça, justiça, amor e paz. Nisto está a base da fraternidade e das prosperidades, que do coração auspiciamos para todo o querido Brasil, ao abençoar-vos, e aos que aqui representais, com afecto em Cristo.


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