Monday, 9 February 1948
This is not the first group of your much-tried people We have been pleased to receive here at the home and hearth of the Christian family. We welcome the opportunity of your visit to tell you once more how deeply Our paternal heart has been moved by the manifestations of gratitude for what We were able and so happy to do to lighten the burdens of your people among so many others in the dark days of the war.
The commission which God has given Us, opens Our heart to the sufferings of all His children, and more especially today are We eager to save the little ones who so sorely need a Father's protection and care and assistance. They were always so dear to the Heart of Christ.
We gladly invoke the blessing of God Most High on all the charitable endeavours you may undertake in His name. May His grace and love help all men to purge this divinest human sentiment and duty of all that could be unworthy of its Author, and thus bring peace back soon to His great human family and Ours.
*Discorsi e Radiomessaggi di Sua Santità Pio XII, IX,
Nono anno di Pontificato, 2 marzo 1947- 1° marzo 1948, p. 451
Tipografia Poliglotta Vaticana
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