Mercoledì, 14 gennaio 1953
East and West join hands, do they not, Venerable Brother, in this joyous visit home to Rome?
With the fresh vigour and zeal of Los Angeles united to the unfaltering faith of New York present here before Us, a hundred treasured memories are revived and as many fond hopes rekindled as We welcome you, Venerable Brother and dear children in the Lord, loyal and loving witnesses to the marvellous workings of God's grace in the heart of America.
In these days of so much pastoral distress and foreboding it is a precious comfort and assurance that you should find yourselves so completely at home with Us and We with you, as one of your revered prelates takes his honoured and responsible place in the College of Cardinals.
But Our joy in this meeting of hearts stems most of all from the promise it brings of your devotion, of your resolute, militant participation in Our planning and sacrifice for the salvation of the world of souls. Your new Eminent Cardinal has not failed to remind you often, in furtherance of Our designs, that the spiritual and material abundance with which the Lord of the harvest has blessed America, across a great continent from California to New York, amounts to a clear call, a vocation from on high to leadership in Church and State alike : a leadership to which We know you are prepared to give its true Christian name of courageous combat for justice and charity in the service of the Prince of Peace.
My Our Lord and His Mother, your Immaculate Patroness, assist you in your prayerful efforts, your valiant hierarchy guiding you wisely along the way, to lead America to the feet of Christ, and with her all peoples home with you to Rome. That is Our hope and the grace We beg for Mother Church, as We impart to you and all your dear ones, affectionately as ever, Our paternal Apostolic Benediction.
*Discorsi e Radiomessaggi di Sua Santità Pio XII, XIV,
Quattordicesimo anno di Pontificato, 2 marzo 1952 - 1° marzo 1953, p. 465
Tipografia Poliglotta Vaticana
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