ANOTHER group of scholars from over the seas. Hailing from many different cities of your country, students or lecturers in various university centres of Europe,—some, We see, are stili prospective students—you have all, gentlemen and ladies, found a rendez-vous this mornìng in Our halls, and We are pleased to say a brìef word of welcome and good wìshes.
Your fields of research, We see, are varìed: history and literature, social and physical sciences, art and music, ali elements that go to make up that ìntellectual and aesthetic development of man's powers that add enlightenment and refinement to life. You will be exploring no doubt the long and spacious galleries of this Vatican; and before the incomparable masterpieces of human genius you will stand in silent thought, and admiration will be kindled as you gaze. Some will be led by their special interests to consult the ponderous tomes in the libraries of ancient monasteries and universities, that have risen during the centuries under the aegis of the Church, where Augustine and Aquinas will share the shelves with Plato and Arístotle, and Virgil and Homer, Demosthenes and Cicero are companions of Chrysostom and Dante. Their doors were and are open to all learning; in them knowledge passes on to wisdom, and speculation becomes a guide to Him Who is eternai Truth, the beginning and end of alt creation (S. Th. 2° 2" p. q. 19 a. 7 in c.).
And the serious scholar refiects : surely, this is clear, Faith does not fear Reason; dogma is not afraid of scientific research. No indeed ; the Church, friend and champion of all truth, clamps no chains on freedom honestly seeking to discover the truth stili hidden in nature's secrets. Rather all such progress is dear to her heart ; she encourages it, and is always quick to use its results, that may help her in her divine mission to bring the knowledge and love of God to men of every continent and clime.
As a pledge of Our interest in your own studies We pray that God may bless them with success and make the world better and happier for them.
*Discorsi e Radiomessaggi di Sua Santità Pio XII, XIX,
Diciannovesimo anno di Pontificato, 2 marzo 1957 - 1° marzo 1958, pp. 735-742
Tipografia Poliglotta Vaticana
Copyright © Dicastero per la Comunicazione - Libreria Editrice Vaticana