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Catechism of the Catholic Church IntraText - Frequency word list |
Word Form 1155 116 1173 122 1247 1248 126 1442 1511 1562 1609 1950 421 451 59 603 75 787 883 abandoned abandonment abolished abounding accompany accords accused actual actually adhere adhering administration admission admit adoptive adoring adult affections aided aimed all-powerful alongside anguish appearance appetite applies approved areas arm armed aroused ascent aside assigned assumes astonishing attachment attempts attend attentiveness attests attributed avarice avila awaiting balance baptizing beatific begs below bestows binding blessedness bore borne bow buying cana candidates carrying catechists catechumen chalcedon characterized chaste choices chrismation circumstance citing cleanse closed co-operation commemorates company compared complementarity confided confused consecratory continence contra contrast conviction convictions convocation corresponding couples courage creeds cries crowd crowning crying cure curse custom dangers dare deepen defide demonstrates denies descend designated destination detraction devote differ directs discouragement disinterested distinctive distribution diverse doctrinal dust eager earliest ears easy eccl echoes elders elsewhere embracing endured enemy engaged engages engenders enrich enslavement era eunuchs evangelize excellence excessive exclaims exclamation excluded exclusively excommunication exemplary exhorts existed existing explain facts faculty fashioned favorable features feed feel feeling felt few fidei field filiation finding finger firstborn flight flood flowed forgave formulae formulations forsaken forty framework francis fraud friday funerals gains galilee gaze glad governance graver grounded grouped guarantees habit hades hard healings hearers heirs helper heresy highest hopes household humana hypostasis icons idea identified idols illuminate illuminated im imagination immaculate immoderate immutable imperishable impose imprints imprisoned imputability imputable increases indicate individually indulgence inequalities inflicted infused inherited iniquity initial insist integration intelligence intentional intercede interdependence interpreted interpreting intrinsic inviolable invoking irreligion joel jude killed kiss labors lacking leaven leaves legislation legitimacy level listens literal loose loyola lxx marvelous masters measures mediation medicine mentioned methods mf minds mode modern motive murderer murderous music mutually named neglect neighbors ninth noble nonetheless numerous nuptial oaths obstacles oc occupies ocf offender oppression owner ownership pain parallels partake passages patiently perceptible performing period permission persecutions pierced play please pleased pleasures practiced practicing precursor privation privilege prodigal professes professions promotion pronounce properties prosperity proud prove provoke psalter puts radically reader recipient recommended reconcile reconciles reconciling reduce regular rejects rely remaining remind remove repetition resemblance resides respective respects responding restitution returned reunited revelations rising rulers sacrilege safeguard safety sanctity sanhedrin satisfied saturday scribes secular selfishness separates setting sexes sheer signified sincerely sixth soldiers solemnly sorrow specifically spend spiritus stand steps stewards stolen stronger subjects substitute suffice suggest suited sustain syriac t technology tend theology thrice-holy tied told topic trad traditionally trespasses tribulation triumph turned ultimately unanimous unbelief understands unfailingly unit unveiled unworthy uprightness ushered utterance validly veiled vespers vii virtuous visit voluntarily walking weak weakened welcomed welfare whence wherever wicked widow wonderfully worked worse worshipped wrote xxiii zeph