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Catechism of the Catholic Church IntraText - Frequency word list |
Word Form 1002 101 1028 1052 107 1071 1095 1097 1108 1116 1117 1124 113 114 1141 1151 1176 121 124 1245 1249 1251 127 128 1304 1312 132 1324 1325 1330 1334 1351 1367 140 146 148 1512 1514 1545 155 1601 161 1626 1638 1651 1676 1678 1695 1696 1705 1712 1717 174 1740 1743 175 179 17b 180 183 1854 186 191 192 1939 1946 1947 1971 1972 1975 1980 204 206 207 213 220 223 224 229 237 251 272 2803 283 289 291 3002 3005 3008 3010 3026 320 336 350 398 399 418 424 428 447 448 463 480 490 492 509 515 521 529 530 556 573 597 600 621 649 654 657 659 678 708 725 738 739 751 796 848 852 858 866 867 874 880 882 914 916 920 949 961 966 989 99 ab abroad abundantly accorded acknowledgment acquires actively adaptation adequate adheres admiration adopting adorned adulation advanced advocate affective afflicted agreed agreement air alike alms amends amount ancestor angelic animal anna anointings answered antiphon apparent appearing application appoint appropriately arguments arrive assert assimilate assisting assuming asunder attribute authentically authenticated autonomy available avoided avoiding awake basing beasts beatitudinibus beheld betrayed births blemish blindness bloody boast bold bonaventure boundaries boundless breathed brotherhood brotherly buoyed burial burned cain canticles caring carpenter ccl ceaselessly celibate centurion changes characterize charged charitable chiefly childhood christus circumcision cl claims cleansed cleansing cleaving clergy climate cling clothes collection collector collectors collegial combat committing commonly comparison comprising compromise conceives conclusion concord conferring confides configured confirmands confronted confronting confuse conjoined conquer conqueror conquers consciousness consenting considerable consideration consigned consortium constitutive constraint constraints consummated containing contempt continual contraception contradicts contrasts converge convert conveyed cooperating corinthians correction countless court covetousness criminal criterion crowned crucify cruel culminates cultivated currents cursed customs cut damages damned daniel daughters dear decay december deception decided decrees deepened deepening deepens defeat defect defended defiled definite definition denial denied departed dependent deposited deprivation deprive describe described deserve deserved destructive differs dimly diognetum directives discerned discerning discerns disciplinary disclosure discovering discreet discrepancy discrimination disfigured disproportionate dissimulation distraction distributed divide divinized divorced docile domain dominica doubtful drugs duress dwelling-place dwelt eating educating efface emanation embolism emperor emphasis enabling encountered endurance energy engaging english engraved enlighten enlightenment enriches ensuring enterprise enterprises entreat entrusting episcopate epist equitable esther eulogy euthanasia ever-present evokes exceed excess exchanged excludes excuses exempt exercising exhortations expected experiencing expiate exploitation expounded expounds expressly exsultet extension extreme f failings falls familiarity familiarly famine fed financial fit fittingly fix flowering foolish foot forerunner foreseen forever formulated formulation fountain fresh games ge generally get gilh godly got governments grafted gratia green groan grounds growing grown guaranteeing guardian guarding habitually handicapped hannah happen happened happens hardship harming harmonizing heals height heir heresies hermits herod higher highlights homicide honoring hoped hospitality hosts humiliation hundred hungry husbands identical ideologies illuminates imitation immersion immune impart imparted imparts impedes impels imperfectly implicated implicitly implore imprinted improve impulse incomprehensible incorruptible incur incurred independently infidelities infirmities inflict inflicts infringe inherit initiated initiates injures instance instinct instincts instruments insurmountable intelligent intermediary internal interpret interpreter intervene interventions introduced involved involving inwardly january jeremiah jew joining jon jonah journeying judith key kingdoms knock lamentations languages large larger lc leaving leitourgos length lesson lest liberating libertas lifelong lifting lifts lights links lists longing longmans loosing loud lower luc magdalene magical magnificat maintained majestic marana maranatha marketplace masterwork masturbation mature maximus meals meantime medieval mention meritorious method mindful miseries modes modified monastic moon mortality mouths munus mysterium mystici n nathan naturae nd negative nicodemus normative notably notice noun november numbered numbers objectives oblation oblige obscure occupation offence offspring oikonomia omnipotens onto op opening operations opportunity oracles oratione ordinand organized orient originates orphans orthodox ot otherwise outstanding ox parousia partial participating partnership passage patriarch patristic paying peacemakers penalties perception perhaps permeates perpetuates persecution persecutors persevering pertain pertaining pertains perversion pharisee pledged pontificatus pornography portrayed positions possessing posterity powerlessness praestantissimum praising prayerful pre-eminently preceding precondition prefigures prejudicial prelude preparations preparing prescribes presentations preserving preside pressure presumes pretext prevails prevented primacy prisoners procedures proceeding procession profits progressive prol promulgated pronouncing prophecies prostitution psalmist punished purely pursue pursues quickly rape ratification re-established reaching readers rebellion recent reciprocal rectitude reform regards regimes regula reinforce rejoices relate relaxation remembers remnant removed renders renunciation repeatedly replaced report reports representation representing reproach reproduce res resemble reservation resists resolutely resolution resplendent responses rhythm rightful rigorous rituals river rogamus ruler rupture ruth sacrificed salvific samuel satisfy scandalous scarcely sciences scriptural seals secrecy secure self-emptying sensitivity sensus separate separating sequence severe shapes shine shortly sighs similar simony simplest slain slept solemnity sounds sow sower sown specified spontaneous spot spur star start stay stemming stewardship stood structured study subduing sublime submitted subordinate subordinates subsist subsistence substantial succeed success sufficiently summaries summi sung super supplices supports supposed surprising suspended sword sworn symbolically synagogue synthesis taxes tear techniques tendencies tending tent testifying tha thence theologia theophany therapeutic thousands threefold thwarts till timely timothy tireless toil tolerated tomorrow touched tract trade tragic trall transform transgressions translate translation transmit transparent tribunal trin triumphs triune trustworthiness truthfully unbelieving unbreakable unchangeable undermines unfaithful unfolding unhealthy uniquely unitive unlike unlimited unmerited unshakeable unveil upholds urged urgency usefulness ushers utterly vanquish variations vary varying venerate veni vessels vestments vianney vice vigilant violates violent visited vol wake walked watchful weapons weep welling wellsprings whereas wherein wide widespread wiles wind woe wondrous workers write yield