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Catechism of the Catholic Church IntraText - Frequency word list |
Word Form 1001 1003 1004 1005 1007 1011 1016 1017 1018 1024 1027 1029 1032 1034 1035 1037 1040 1047 1049 1056 1063 1064 1072 1077 108 1081 1086 1089c 1096 1103 1107 1125 1137 1154 1156 1165 1166 1168 1169 1172 1177 1191 1193 1197 1199 120 1200d 1221 1223 1229 1230 1232 125 1253 1255 1276 1277 1278 1279 129 1300 1301 1302 1305 1306 1310 1316 1319 1321 1322 1323 1333 1338 134 1341 1343 1348 135 1354 1357 136 1366 1369 137 1376 1378 1388 139 1398 1412 1413 142 1420 1421 1422 143 1431 1434 1438 1440 1456 147 1476 1491 1501 1504 1510 1516 152 1525 1528 153 1533 1534 154 1541 1542 1548 1549 156 1567 1568 1569 1570 1573 1575 1576 158 1580 1582 160 1600 1604 1605 1606 1608 1612 1613 1618 1619 1624 163 1640 1641 1642 1647 165 1661 1666 167 1672 1673 1674 1677 1683 169 1690 1691 1694 1697 1698 170 1708 171 1713 1716 1719 1752 1764 1767 1774 178 1784 1785 1791 1799 1800 1813 1816 182 1821 1822 1823 1825 1840 1862 187 1870 1878 1880 1885 1887 1889 1906 1907 1911 193 1943 1951 1953 1956 1957 1958 196 1960 1961 1965 1966 1968 1973 1974 1976 198 1981 1982 1984 1986 200 2041 205 2057 210 212 214 216 217 222 228 234 235 236 239 240 241 242 250 255 256 257 258 259 264 267 271 274 277 278 280 281 284 286 288 290 292 294 298 301 3015 3016 302 3025 309 311 314 315 316 319 329 330 331 337 345 351 356 359 360 361 362 368 371 372 377 380 3808 386 3876 389 3891 392 397 401 402 403 405 407 408 409 410 411 415 417 423 427 436 442 443 444 446 450 452c 454 455 456 465 475 481 485 486 491 493 497 500 504 508 511 517 519 520 524 525 525a 527 528 535 540 541 548 549 550 554 559 571 577 587 591 605 607 614 619 623 624 625 636 638 640 642 643 647 665 666 673 676 677 679 684 686 688 692 695 696 70 709 710 711 713 719 720 721 722 726 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 744 745 746 748 756 757 758 769 770 771 774 775 776 777 779 780 783 788 791 794 795 799 806 813 814 822 823 835 841 846 847 850 853 854 855 856 857 859 860 864 865 87 870 872 877 884 889 890 891 893 896 899 901 902 912 913 917 919 923 924 927 93 932 934 937 939 944 945 948 950 959a 962 967 969 97 972 976 980 988 990 992 998 999 aaron abilities abound abrogate abused abusive accipe acclaim acclaims accomplishing accounts accuse accusing accustom accustomed achievement acolytes across acutely adapt adaptations addressing administers admirable admirably admittedly admixture adored advantage advantages adventum adversaries adversary adversity advising affectivity affects affliction afterwards aged agnostic agrees alexandrian alien allegorical alludes altogether ambo amid amidst amongst anagogical analogical analysis angeli animates animating annual annus anonymous ant antichrist anticipating antiphons anywhere apocalypse apost apparition appearances applying appointment appreciate appreciation approaching appropriation approving arbitrio archangels armenian arouse arranged arrangement artificial artistic ascetical ascribed aspiration assemble assembled assemblies asserted assertion assiduous assists association assure assuredly ate athanasian atheistic atones attaches attachments attainment attendant attributing autobiography ave awakened awakening awe banished bar barnabae bearer bearers beatam beforehand beggar begging behaviour beneficence beneficial beneficiary benefited bernard beseech beside bethlehem betray bids bitter blame blasphemed blossoms blotted boasting boldly bone bones borrow bought bounds branch breast breathes briefly broke bulwark burdened burdens burnt buy cal calendar calvary canaanite candle candles canonically cant capernaum captive captives caput cared cassian catechesi catechizing category ce cedar celebrants celestial celsum centrality ceremonial ch challenge chap cherish chnst chr christianity christs cisterns cite claiming clarifies clarify clarity clarke clasping class clean cleaves clerics cloths co co-heirs coerced coercion coherence collaborate collaborating color colossians combats combines commemorating commendation commentary commerce commissioning commitments communicant companion complaint completing compose composition comprehends comprised compromising conceal conceptions concession condemning condensed condescension conducive conference configure configures confines conforming confusing confusion congregation congregations conscientia consecratio consequent considerations consist consisted constructs consumed contemplates contents contradiction contravenes contributions controls conversations converse converting cooperated cooperates coptic corporal corpse correspondence corruptible corrupts cost countenance covered coveting cowardice cpc credendi credibility credulity crosses crowds crowns crushed csel culpability culpable cultivation cum cures current customary d damaging damascus damasi dangerous dares data dawning dealing deals deborah debt dec decency decide declaration declaring dedicate dedicates defends defile defiles define degrading deigned delegates demon demonic demonstrate denounce denounced denying departing departs depended depending depression deprives depriving deserving despises destitution detach detachment determination determining developing deviations devised devoutly diabolical diagnosis diakonia diaspora dictate dictates differently diligent diminishes directions director disadvantaged disappoint disastrous discharged disciplines disclosing discord discourses discovered discovery diseases disfigure dismissal disobey disobeyed dispensed dispenses display displayed disposing disputes disregard dissension dissolved distinctively distinctly distribute distributes distributive disturb disturbed divina divorces divulged doctor document documents domine don donation doni donor dormition drawing dream drunk drunkenness duration earlier ease eaten ecclesia echoing ecloga ecumenism ed educators elder elderly elevated emancipation embodies embraced eminent eminently emissaries emmanuel emphasize emphasized employ employs emptied enc encompasses end-time endangered endeavor ended enduring enjoyed enkindles ennobled enormous ensured enticed ephesians epicleses epiphanius episcopacy epistles epitome equity equivocation eras escaped establishing esteem ethnic eucharisted eudes evagrius evangelists evidenced evoking exactly exalt exaltation exalts exceeds exceptional exchanges excluding exclusion excuse exhaust exhort expectancy expectantes expos exposed exposing expound eye ezra facility failing fair fairly fairness fallible falsehood falsification fame familial fanqith fate favour feeds fertilization fervent fervor festive fide fides fields firmness fixing flame flattery flourishes flowing followers font forbearance forbidding foreigner foreigners foreshadows forge forgetting forgotten formulates forsake fortifies forty-four fostered fostering fourfold fratricide freeing frighten galatians gap gateway generates gentle geographical gethsemani ghost gladly gladness goals goats godparents gold good-will graciously grain greet greets groom groupings guarantor guiding guise habits hallow hallows hansen harder harms harvest haste hasten heading heaping helmet helpmate hermae heroic hesitate hide hides hindering historic historically hitherto holders homoousios homosexuality honest honestly honoured horeb horror hosea host housing humanely humanism humbled hypocrisy ianua ics illnesses illum illumines imag imagine imitating imitators immeasurable immense immerses immortale imparting impelled implications importunate imposed impressed improper improvement impure impurity imputed inability inanimate inaugurate inauguration incense inclinations incline inclines inclusion incomparable incomplete incomprehension incorporates incorruptibility incredulity incumbent incurs indestructible indiscriminately individualism inducement ineffabilis inequality inevitable infallible infanticide inferior infirmity infirmorum informed infuses inhabit iniquities initiating injuries injuring inordinate insemination inserted insisted insistently instant instigator instinctual integrality integrate intelligible intend intensity interceding intercessors interfere intermediate internalized interprets interrelated interrupted intervenes interwoven intro intuits invalid invested invincible inward irreplaceable irrevocably issued issues j jailer jairus jealousy jesu join josh joshua joyful joyfully judg judicial julian kernel kills king-priest knee knowingly knox kontakion kyrios lacks ladder lamentation lapse lauds lawyers lax layman lectern lectio levi liberates liberator libero libertatis lima limitations linen list listening litanies livelihood ll loaves longings losing louvain lovingly lowliness m magisterial magn magnify majority maker malice mammon manifesting manipulate manipulated manna marc march maria marian market marries martyr martyrium marvel marvels materialism maternal maybe mc meditating meditations meek melody membra memoirs memorials mentality mentions merchandise merchants messenger messiah-king mic mine mineral minimum ministering mirabilis miraculous miriam misfortune missionaries mistake misunderstanding mockery models modem moderate moderates monasteries moribus mortification mosaic motivated moving multiplication multiplicity multiplies multitudes munificentissimus musical muslims mystagogy mystenum mystically nailed narrative nat national nativity nearly negligence negotiation neh neighbours new-born newborn nobody non-christian norwich nos nostri noted notions notoriety notwithstanding nullified obeying objections obscured obscurity obstinate obstruct obtains obvious occur occurs october offertory omni omnipotence onwards opposite oppressed oral orally orandi orange ordinance ordinances ordinatio organically organism orients outwardly overseeing overshadowed overwhelming p paed page paid palm panarion para paradoxically paralytic pardoned pardoning parental parenthood participants partner passive pastoralis patrimony pattern payment peaceful peculiar pedagogical penances penetrates perceived perceives perfecter perfumed perishable perpetuated persecute persevered personality perverts phase phenomena philippians physically physicians pillar pioneer plague planning plants pointed points politically politics polycarpi polytheism ponder ponticus portion posed positively possibly pour powerless pp praec praenotanda pre-eminence pre-eminent pre-existent preacher preaches precede precedence predestination predominant preeminence preeminent preferably preferred prefigure preparatory prerequisite prerogatives presidency press pressing presumed presupposing pretend prevailing prevenient prevents priceless prices primitive princeton print pro procured product profaning professional profoundly progeny prohibitions prohibits prologue prolonged promising promoting prompted pronounces prophetical proposed prosperous prostitute protecting protest protestant proven proverbs provisional provisions publication punish purest pursued quae queen quench quenched quid quiet quintus quo rabbinical rachel radiant radiates ransomed rare rarely rash ratifying ray rays reaction readiness reads realizing reassure reciprocally recorded records recounted recovers rediscover redress reduces reducing references referring reflected reflections reformation refreshed regime region regis regulate regulates regulating regulations reinforces relates relative relief relies relying remarried remedies remembered remembering reminding removes remuneration rendering renounces renouncing reparable repeats repenting replace replied reported reprehensible representative reproaches repudiate requesting reserving resolve resolved resound restrain restraint retains retribution revenue reverse revives revolves rh rightness romanum ronald roof rudibus sac sacram sad sadducees safe sakes sale salvatoris samaritan sanctoral sanctorum sandals sat satisfactions satisfies sayings scg schism schisms scholars scorned se secondly sed seduction selected self-absorption self-control self-examination self-knowledge self-sufficient selfish sell sensory sentiment separately serenity serpent servitude seventy shadows shake shattered sheds shining shipwreck sickness sides signaculum significantly signifying silences simul simultaneously sitting sj skill slander slaughter sloth slow slowly sober sobriety socialization socio-economic sold solidity solitary sorcery sort sparrow specially spem spiritualis splendid splendor spontaneously sport spousal spreading spreads springing stake stamp standards standing statement stations stayed steadfastly stem sterile sterility stimulates stop storehouse stranger striking strikingly struggles sua subdue submissive submits succeeded suit summarize summon summons superabundant supply surpass surprise surprised surrenders surrounding symbolon synagogues synaxis synods synoptic system systems tasting temples tempts tendency tension terminate tested testify testimonies testing thank thanksgivings thee thenceforth theo theol theologian thick thirsts thou threat threatens threats thrones throw thrown thursday thwarted tidings tiny tirelessly tobias tobit token tongue totus trace tradendae train transcendence transfigures transgress transmitting transubstantiation trap travail treasures tremendous tribunals troubled tua tuae typological typology unbelievers unbloody unceasingly unconscious unctionem undefiled undergo undergone underlies undertake undertaken undertakings undoubtedly unequivocal unfaithfulness unfathomable unfold unhappy unified unintentional unions universally university unknown unleavened unmarried unnecessary unprecedented unrepeatable unrepented unsearchable unstained unveils upbringing upheld urging users usurious usurp utmost vanishes vanquished vegetable veils venerable venerating verb verdict verify vessel vested vexilla vicars vicesimus victor vigor vigorously vigour violating virginum viri visibly visiting vitality vocations voices vow wagers waits wall warfare warmly warmth warn warned wavering weaken weakens wedding-feast weigh well-disposed well-formed well-founded well-spring wept whatsoever white wholeheartedly wholesome whomever wickedness willful wipe wisely withdrawn withhold withstand witnessing wood worshiped worshippers worst wrinkle writes yesterday zealous