
Homilies 1985

  • 31 December 1985, Mass for the end of the year

    [ Italian ]

  • 29 December 1985, Visit to the Roman parish of St Mark in "Piazza Venezia"

    [ Italian ]

  • 24 December 1985, Midnight Mass

    [ Italian ]

  • 22 December 1985, Visit to the Roman parish of "San Gregorio Barbarigo alle Tre Fontane"

    [ Italian ]

  • 15 December 1985, Visit to the Roman parish of St Joseph at "Via Nomentana"

    [ Italian ]

  • 12 December 1985, Eucharistic Celebration for the Roman university students

    [ Italian ]

  • 8 December 1985, Solemn conclusion of the Extraordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary

    [ Italian  - Spanish ]

  • 1 December 1985, Visit to the Roman parish of St Jerome at "Corviale" on the First Sunday of Advent

    [ Italian ]

  • 24 November 1985, Inauguration of the Second Extraordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops on the Solemnity of Christ, King of the Universe

    [ Italian ]

  • 19 November 1985, Mass in the Sistine Chapel for the souls of deceased Cardinals

    [ Italian ]

  • 17 November 1985, Beatification of Pio Campidelli, Marie Teresa of Jesus Gerhardinger and Rafqa Ar-Rayes

    [ Italian ]

  • 10 November 1985, 40th anniversary of the creation of FAO

    [ Italian  - Spanish ]

  • 3 November 1985, Beatification of Father Tito Brandsma

    [ Italian ]

  • 1 November 1985, Eucharistic concelebration at the Roman cemetery of Verano on the Solemnity of All Saints

    [ Italian ]

  • 27 October 1985, Visit to the Roman parish of King St Ferdinand

    [ Italian ]

  • 25 October 1985, Inauguration of the academic year of the Roman Ecclesiastical Universities

    [ Italian ]

  • 24 October 1985, Mass for youth of Catholic International Organizations (OIC)

    [ French  - Italian ]

  • 22 October 1985, Mass for students of the Pontifical Roman Major Seminary in the Pauline Chapel

    [ Italian ]

  • 20 October 1985, Mass before the Shrine of Our Lady of Bonaria in Cagliari

    [ Italian ]
