
Letters 1993

  • Letter to the Archbishop of Santiago de Compostela for the closing of the Jubilee Year of Compostela (December 31, 1993)

    [ Spanish ]

  • Letter to Cardinal Ugo Poletti on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary (December 8, 1993)

    [ Italian ]

  • Letter to Cardinal López Trujillo, President of the Pontifical Council for the Family (December 7, 1993)

    [ Latin ]

  • Letter to Cardinal Laurean Rugambwa, Emeritus Archbishop of Dar-es-Salaam (November 20, 1993)

    [ Latin ]

  • Letter to Cardinal Bernardin Gantin (November 3, 1993)

    [ Latin ]

  • Letter to Cardinal José Alí Lebrún Moratinos, Archbishop of Caracas (November 2, 1993)

    [ Latin ]

  • Letter to the Italian Bishops gathered in Collevalenza for their General Assembly (October 23, 1993)

    [ Italian ]

  • Letter to Cardinal Eduardo Francisco Pironio (October 20, 1993)

    [ Latin ]

  • Letter to Cardinal Eugênio de Araújo Sales, Archbishop of São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro (October 5, 1993)

    [ Latin ]

  • Letter to Monsignor Vinko Puljić on the occasion of a Triduum of prayer in Sarayevo (September 29, 1993)

    [ Italian ]

  • Letter to Cardinal Mario Revollo Bravo (September 28, 1993)

    [ Latin ]

  • Letter to Cardinal Camillo Ruini for the inauguration of the 42nd Social Week of Italian Catholics (September 21, 1993)

    [ Italian ]

  • Letter to Cardinal Edward I. Cassidy on the occasion of the International Prayer Meeting sponsored by the Community of St. Egidio (September 16, 1993)

    [ Italian ]

  • Letter to H.E. Monsignor Miloslav Vlk, Archbishop of Prague, President of the Council of European Episcopal Conferences (September 1, 1993)

    [ Italian ]

  • Letter to Cardinal Angelo Sodano on the occasion of the 6th International Symposium on Saint Joseph (August 21, 1993)

    [ Italian ]

  • Letter to Monsignor Pasquale Macchi on the 7th centenary of the Shrine of Loreto (August 15, 1993)

    [ Italian ]

  • Letter to Monsignor Giuseppe Chiaretti on the 6th centenary of the birth of Saint James della Marca (August 2, 1993)

    [ Italian ]
