
Homilies 1988

  • 25 March 1988, Celebration of the morning prayer on the feast of the Annunciation in the Byzantine- Slavic rite in the Basilica of "Santa Maria sopra Minerva"

    [ Italian ]

  • 19 March 1988, Mass in the workshops of the Public Transport Company of Rome on the Solemnity of Saint Joseph

    [ Italian ]

  • 13 March 1988, Visit to the Roman Parish of Saint Pier Damiani

    [ Italian ]

  • 6 March 1988, Visit to the Roman Parish of Saint Damaso

    [ Italian ]

  • 3 April 1988, Easter Vigil Mass

    [ Italian ]

  • 28 February 1988, Visit to the Roman Parish of "Resurrezione di Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo"

    [ Italian ]

  • 24 December 1988, Vigil Mass in Saint Peter's Basilica

    [ Italian ]

  • 21 February 1988, Visit to the Roman Parish of "Santa Prisca"

    [ Italian ]

  • 17 February 1988, Penitential Rite of Ash Wednesday

    [ Italian ]

  • 14 February 1988, Visit to the Roman Parish of "San Benedetto"

    [ Italian ]

  • 11 February 1988, Holy Mass for the sick in the Vatican Basilica

    [ Italian ]

  • 7 February 1988, Visit to the Roman Parish of "Santa Emerenziana"

    [ Italian ]

  • 2 February 1988, Celebration of the divine liturgy Syro-Maronite rite on the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord

    [ French  - Italian ]

  • 31 January 1988, Visit to the Roman Parish of "Santa Maria Goretti"

    [ Italian ]

  • 25 January 1988, Holy Mass in the Basilica of Saint Paul on conclusion of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

    [ French  - Italian ]

  • 24 January 1988, Visit to the Roman Parish of "San Gabriele"

    [ Italian ]

  • 17 January 1988, Visit to the Roman Parish of "San Lorenzo in Lucina"

    [ Italian ]

  • 10 January 1988, Holy Mass and Baptisms

    [ Italian ]

  • 6 January 1988, Episcopal Ordination on the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord

    [ Italian ]

  • 1 January 1988, Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God and 21st World Day of Peace

    [ Italian ]