28 June 1997
Dear Friends,
It is a joy for me to meet the Catholic-Pentecostal Commission as you celebrate twenty-five years of international ecumenical dialogue. This is an achievement for which we must give heartfelt thanks to God.
The theme of reconciliation is at the centre of the ecumenical meeting being held this week at Graz, in Austria. The need of Christians for reconciliation with one another, for mutual forgiveness, is indeed great. Our search together in dialogue for ways to overcome the theological difficulties which stand in the way of Christian unity is a duty founded in the prayer of Christ himself for his disciples. Our efforts to come closer to one another are a response to the Lord's words: "that they may all be one . . . so that the world may believe that you have sent me" (Jn 17:21).
The world is scandalized by divisions among Christians. As the Year 2000 approaches, let us continue to listen to the word of God calling us to ever greater communion and cooperation. Our search for reconciliation therefore must go forward. It is the grace of the Holy Spirit that leads us on this pilgrimage. It is the Holy Spirit who calls us to conversion of mind and heart. "Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ" (Rm 1:7).
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